What is EFL context?

What is EFL context?

EFL meaning: English as a Foreign Language is learning English in a non-English-speaking country. For example, students in China who are learning English are considered EFL students because English is not the official language of the country. It applies to both ESL and EFL contexts.

What is learning context and example?

Learning context is defined as the situation in which something is learned or understood, a situation that can impact how something is learned or what is taught. An example of learning context is the external learning environment including the quality of equipment and facilities and the training level of the teacher.

What is context in language teaching?

Context is the weaving together of the many pieces that make up language, the braiding together of sounds, words, expressions, utterances, situations, people and their personal experiences, the environment and the many themes we love to talk about.

What does EFL stand for?

English Football League
Formed in 1888 by its twelve founder members, the EFL (English Football League) is the world’s original league football competition and is the template for leagues the world over.

What is contextual in psychology?

Contextual Psychology refers to the study of organisms (both human and non-human) interacting in and with a historical and current situational context. This scientific form of contextual psychology is virtually synonymous with the field known as behavior analysis.

What is content and context in education?

But before I get into it, let’s understand the difference between content and context. Content is the material/matter/medium contained within the work that’s available for audience. Context is the positioning of the content, storyline or purpose that provides value to the audience.

What is meaningful context?

A meaningful context is some aspect of the pupil’s everyday experience in which mathematics is or can be embedded. It is a context in which pupils develop or apply their mathematics in tasks or challenges that make sense to them and in which they can be actively involved.

What is an example of context?

​ (linguistics) The text in which a word or passage appears and which helps ascertain its meaning. An example of context is the words that surround the word “read” that help the reader determine the tense of the word. An example of context is the history surrounding the story of Shakespeare’s King Henry IV.

What does GTM stand for?


Acronym Definition
GTM Go to Meeting
GTM Go to Meeting (cyberspace meeting)
GTM Global Test Market (surveys)
GTM Global Transportation Management (US DoD)

When was the EFL formed?

April 17, 1888, England, United Kingdom
English Football League/Founded

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