What is a mind jar?

What is a mind jar?

Mind Jars are a form of meditation for children and can be made very easily with household items. If your child is frustrated, highly energized, or having trouble focusing, have them shake a Mind Jar and take some deep breaths as they look into the jar.

How do you make a mind jar?


  1. Pour 1/2 cup of distilled water into the jar.
  2. Pour 1/2 cup of glitter glue or clear glue into the jar.
  3. Add 1–2 teaspoons of extra glitter to the jar.
  4. Fill up the remainder of the jar with distilled water.
  5. If desired, use a hot glue gun to squeeze a ring of glue around the lid of the jar.

What is the purpose of a mindfulness jar?

A mindfulness jar is simply a clear glass jar (like a mason jar) filled with water, dish soap, and glitter or glitter glue. It is a very powerful visual metaphor for being able to express one’s feelings. The glitter in the jar represents your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

How do you make a meditation jar?

How to Make Meditation Jar

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of glitter-glue with about 1 cup of hot water.
  2. The glue makes the water so thick and gooey that the glitter just slowly and gently swirls around, it takes about 5 minutes for all the glitter to settle, perfect to gather your thoughts!

What is a mindfulness bottle?

The Mindful Bottle is a simple and effective visual method for demonstrating mindfulness to students and teaching them how to build that skill. It is a visual reminder to students of how important it is to be still and allow their thoughts to settle before engaging in school work or other activities.

What is mindfulness for kids?

Mindfulness means paying full attention to something. It means slowing down to really notice what you’re doing. Being mindful is the opposite of rushing or multitasking. When you’re mindful, you’re taking your time. You’re focusing in a relaxed, easy way.

What does mindfulness look like?

Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress.

What is a calming jar?

Glitter jars are a sensory toy that can help calm emotional kids. With their swirling patterns and pop of sparkle, these glitter jars or ‘calm down jars’ are the perfect antidote for stressed out kids – helping to soothe and calm troubled minds.

How do you use a relaxing jar?

With their swirling patterns and pop of sparkle, these glitter jars or ‘calm down jars’ are the perfect antidote for stressed out kids – helping to soothe and calm troubled minds. Just give them a good shake, then watch until the glitter settles in the bottom of the jar to refocus and refresh any overwhelmed child.

What are some mindfulness activities?

Mindfulness activities for adults

  • Walking meditation. Walking meditation is exactly what it sounds like: a form of meditation you practice while walking, often in a straight line or circle.
  • Mindful driving.
  • Single-tasking.
  • Mindful eating.
  • Mindful gardening.

What is a meditation jar?

A Mind Jar is a meditation tool to use whenever a child feels stressed, overwhelmed or upset. When you shake the jar, imagine your head full of whirling thoughts, then watch them slowly settle while you calm down.

What is a stress jar?

A glitter (or stress) jar can be used to support emotional regulation skills in a variety of ways- for calming, for relaxation, for learning about the brain, or for mindful communication.

How to use mind jars with your kids?

But this exercise was really helpful in a number of ways. Here’s how we continue to use the Mind Jars: We practice our deep, calming breathing at times when the kids are already calm ~ we shake the jars, and then breathe calmly while we watch the glitter settle.

How does a calming jar help with stress?

But the calming jar works the same way of yoga, meditation or relaxation, is a stress management technique that helps liberating the mind. It allows the child or the person forget those negative emotions they were feeling, leaving in its place a sense of peace, calm and serenity.

How does a glitter jar help with mindfulness?

You can use a glitter jar as a tool to explain how the brain works, in conjunction with the hand model of the brain. When your emotions are rising up, the brain (the bottle) floods with cortisol (the glitter) and you flip your lid (shake the bottle), losing access to the prefrontal cortex, its flexibility and reasoning capabilities.

Can a calming jar be used as a punishment?

In fact, the calming jar is not a synonym for a “thinking corner” in which we send the children to reflect on their bad behavior. It is a personal growth technique, not a punishment. Therefore, it is desirable that the first time you apply the technique, also accompany the child during the process.


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