How can I get signed to Curtis Brown?

How can I get signed to Curtis Brown?

If you wish to be considered for representation please look at the agents’ profiles on our website and make a considered approach to a specific agent. We only accept electronic submissions (including showreels) via email and cannot be held responsible for any original material you send.

Who are the best literary agents in UK?

15 Top Literary Agencies in the UK

  • Greene & Heaton.
  • Janklow & Nesbit UK.
  • Caroline Sheldon Literary Agency.
  • Hardman & Swainson.
  • DHH Literary Agency.
  • The Blair Partnership.
  • Felicity Bryan Associates.
  • Johnson & Alcock Literary Agency.

How do I approach a literary agent UK?

10 Steps To Getting A Literary Agent

  1. Finish the book. You will annoy everybody you query if your novel isn’t finished.
  2. But don’t never finish the book.
  3. Research your agents.
  4. Write a synopsis.
  5. Write a query letter.
  6. Look at your first three chapters.
  7. Put it together and what have you got?
  8. Be professional in all dealings.

What literary agents are looking for?

Top Things Literary Agents Look for in a Book

  • Voice. Not to be confused with #ownvoices, voice is best defined as the author’s style of writing, their tone, and the way the narrator tells the story.
  • Writing. Writing is different from voice.
  • Plot.
  • Characters.
  • Setting.
  • Marketability.
  • Hook.
  • Potential Submissions.

How long does it take for acting agents to respond?

While reputable agencies usually reply within a week or two, not every agency will write back to say if you’re successful. If you don’t hear anything, just reapply again in 6 months!

Do literary agents read submissions?

Do you read all submissions in the slush pile? Yes, I personally look at everything that comes in. I’ve found 90% of my authors in the slush pile/ submissions pool.

How do you impress a literary agent?

13 Ways to Convince a Literary Agent to Represent You

  1. Make sure your idea feels fresh.
  2. Follow submission guidelines.
  3. Know your audience.
  4. Have some social media presence…
  5. Have an impressive platform.
  6. Include links to videos where the agent can see you speaking.

How to submit a book to Curtis Brown?

She epitomises everything I look for, inventiveness, integrity and joyful eating. If I was forced to retreat to a desert island with only one other cookbook for inspiration it would be anything by Diana Henry. For submissions, please send your work, a synopsis and a biographical note to [email protected].

Who are the authors that Curtis Brown represents?

Curtis Brown represents adult and children’s authors of all genres, including illustrators. Please refer to our Agents page for information about each agent’s interests, specific submission requirements and individual email addresses.

Can a misdirected submission lead to rejection?

Misdirected submissions may lead to rejection, e.g. if you have written a crime novel, it would be unwise to send it to an agent who only represents non-fiction. Make sure you read the agents’ profiles carefully before indicating your preferred agent. Who is looking to expand their list?

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