Is Kylo Ren and Rey related?

Is Kylo Ren and Rey related?

But if Palpatine essentially fathered Anakin through the Force, the Emperor would be the great-grandfather of Kylo Ren and the grandfather of Rey, making the pair first cousins once removed. This means she’s related to Kylo spiritually and through her name, if not biologically.

How was Rey born?

Rey was born in 15 ABY during the rise of the New Republic. Her father was a bioengineered Strand-Cast cloned from the genetic template of Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord who ruled the Galactic Empire as Emperor Palpatine. However, Rey was saved by Ben Solo after he renounced his dark alter ego.

Is Rey Anakin’s mother?

So, Shmi is Rey. Anakin is the son of Kylo Ren. Shmi returns in time to a sandy planet like Jakku because it’s like home. Anakin is corrupted by a waiting Palpatine, whose master Darth Plagueis ( Snoke ) has a vision of the future that Rey will return.

Is Leia a Jedi?

While Leia was just as strong with the Force as her brother Luke, she never became a Jedi. Still, she did begin her training. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, the twins began training together, with Luke guiding Leia through meditative practices and sparring exercises.

Are Ben and Rey related?

Rey and Ben Solo are characters who reject absolutism, embodying elements of both sides of the Force that together represent a kind of balance. The connection between them is strengthened by their vulnerability with one another; they are able to commiserate and recognize shared feelings of loneliness, loss, and fear.

Is a Rey a Skywalker?

When asked who she is by the old woman on Tatooine, the former Palpatine declares herself Rey Skywalker, and she becomes a new part of the family. So, as far as the canon goes, yes, Rey is considered a Skywalker.

Is Rey really a Skywalker?

Rey Skywalker, once known only as Rey, was a human female Jedi Master who fought on the side of the Resistance in the war against the First Order. A former scavenger from the planet Jakku , her life was changed by the tumultuous events of the last days of the New Republic Era .

Who were Ray’s parents in Star Wars?

Rey’s Parents are Han Solo and Leia Organa. The case for it: Rey is a whiz of a pilot and mechanic, and has an immediate, almost uncanny rapport with the Millennium Falcon . Chewbacca takes an instant liking to her too.

What actress plays Rey?

Daisy Jazz Isobel Ridley is an English actress. She is best known for her breakthrough role as “Rey” in the 2015 film, Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens (2015).

Who is the girl Jedi in Star Wars?

Aayla Secura, a Force-sensitive Rutian Twi’lek female, was a Jedi Master who served as a Jedi General of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.

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