How do you use quiescent in a sentence?

How do you use quiescent in a sentence?

Quiescent sentence example

  1. It has been quiescent since 1566, and is now completely extinct.
  2. The prominences are of two kinds, quiescent and eruptive.
  3. But the French were too weak in these seas for offensive movements, and therefore remained quiescent at Bourbon and Mauritius till the beginning of 1782.

What is the quiescent meaning?

1 : marked by inactivity or repose : tranquilly at rest. 2 : causing no trouble or symptoms quiescent gallstones.

What is meant by quiescent conditions?

a quiescent disease or illness is not getting worse. Synonyms and related words. Words used to describe illnesses, diseases and medical conditions.

Is Quiescently a word?

adj. 1. Quiet, still, or inactive.

What is called quiescent stage give information?

G0 Phase (Quiescent stage): The cells that do not divide further, exit G1 phase and enter an inactive stage called quiescent stage of cell cycle. Cells in this stage remain metabolically active but do not proliferate.

How do you use quietude in a sentence?

Quietude in a Sentence 🔉

  1. In quietude and coolness, the couple enjoyed a picnic on a grassy knoll beside the calm stream.
  2. An eerie quietude filled the house as the children napped on their mats.
  3. Needing a great amount of quietude, the hermit secluded himself in his peaceful home.

What is the prefix of quiescent?

Origin of quiescent 1600–10; qui-, base meaning “rest, quiet” + -Ä“sc- inchoative suffix + -ent–ent.

What does quiescent mean in medical terms?

Inactive, resting
Quiescent: Inactive, resting. For example, tuberculosis can be a quiescent (inactive) infection.

What is quiescent period?

[kwē′es·ənt ¦pir·ē·əd] (communications) Resting period, or the period between pulse transmissions.

What is quiescent stage go?

The cells that do not divide further exit G1​ phase to enter an inactive stage called quiescent stage. ( G0​) of the cell cycle.

What is the quiescent stage of cell cycle give an example?

The cells that do not divide further, exit G1 phase and enter an inactive stage called quiescent stage of cell cycle. Cells in this stage remain metabolically active but do not proliferate. Cells that show G0 phase are neurons, cardiac muscle cells and other highly differentiated cells of the body.

How is the word’quiescent’used in a sentence?

“Quiescent,” which traces to the Latin quiescere (meaning “to become quiet” or “to rest”), often suggests a temporary cessation of activity, as in “a quiescent disease” or “a summer resort quiescent in wintertime.” Examples of quiescent in a Sentence a group of quiescent loungers recovering from the Thanksgiving feast

Which is the best medical definition of quiescence?

Medical Definition of quiescence : the quality or state of being quiescent

Which is an example of a quiescent state?

“Dormant” implies a state of inactivity similar to sleep, as in “their passions lay dormant.”. “Potential” applies to what may or may not come to be. “A potential disaster” is a typical example. “Quiescent,” which traces to the Latin quiescere (meaning “to become quiet” or “to rest”), often suggests a temporary cessation of activity,…

Which is the best example of a quiescent tumor?

The definition of quiescent is something or someone dormant or in a period of inactivity. An example of something that would be described as quiescent is a tumor that is dormant and not causing any type of health problems or growing at the time. YourDictionary definition and usage example. “Quiescent.”. YourDictionary.

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