What is another way to say this is important because?

What is another way to say this is important because?

this is important because > synonyms »it’s relevant because exp. 2. »it is important as exp. 2. »this is important as exp.

What is a fancy word for important?

Important Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for important?

crucial essential
critical pivotal
urgent vital
paramount imperative
invaluable best

What do you call something that is essential or important?

crucial. adjective. something that is crucial is extremely important because it has a major effect on the result of something.

What does it mean to gratify someone?

transitive verb. 1 : to be a source of or give pleasure or satisfaction to it gratified him to have his wife wear jewels— Willa Cather. 2 : to give in to : indulge, satisfy gratify a whim.

Is essential synonym of necessary?

The words vital and essential are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, vital suggests something that is necessary to a thing’s continued existence or operation.

Can you gratify someone?

to give pleasure to (a person or persons) by satisfying desires or humoring inclinations or feelings: Her praise will gratify all who worked so hard to earn it. to satisfy; indulge; humor, as one’s desires or appetites.

What is prodigality?

1 an instance of spending money or resources without care or restraint.

Which is the best definition of the word bloodied?

Define bloodied. bloodied synonyms, bloodied pronunciation, bloodied translation, English dictionary definition of bloodied. adj. blood·i·er , blood·i·est 1. Stained with blood. 2. Of, characteristic of, or containing blood. 3. Accompanied by or giving rise to bloodshed: a bloody…

What is the meaning of the word blood?

1. To stain, spot, or color with or as if with blood. 2. To make bleed, as by injuring or wounding: The troops were bloodied in the skirmish. blood′i·lyadv.

Which is the bloodiest battle in American history?

Tragically, more than one million men were wounded or killed, making it one of the bloodiest battles in human history. The Civil War battle of Antietam was America’s single bloodiest day, with a combined tally of almost 23,000 dead, wounded, or missing.

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