What places did Hurricane Irene hit?

What places did Hurricane Irene hit?

Hurricane Irene, tropical cyclone that brought significant wind damage to several islands in The Bahamas and torrential rains to Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, and several eastern U.S. states in late August 2011.

Where did Hurricane Irene hit the hardest?

Connecticut and Massachusetts saw some of the worst flooding. Five tornados hit different states across the U.S. from the hurricane winds. The storm first made U.S. landfall as a Category one hurricane in North Carolina where it caused major damage to a major highway along with homes and businesses across the state.

What category was Hurricane Irene when it hit New York?

Later on August 28, Irene was downgraded to a tropical storm and made two additional landfalls, one in New Jersey and another in New York….Effects of Hurricane Irene in New York.

Tropical Storm (SSHWS/NWS)
Satellite image of Tropical Storm Irene near New York City
Damage $296 million (2011 USD)
Areas affected New York

When was Hurricane Irene in PA?

Aug. 27, 2011
Hurricane Irene blew into the state on Aug. 27, 2011, followed within weeks by Tropical Storm Lee. Hurricane Irene damage in Central Pa.

Was Hurricane Irene worse than Sandy?

Irene: Experts say Hurricane Sandy is wider and stronger than Hurricane Irene, which caused more than $15 billion in damage in 2011. Compare satellite images of the two storms. The incoming storm is much bigger, stronger and potentially more troubling for coastal communities, including New York City. …

Was Hurricane Irene a 100 year storm?

Videos of rampaging rivers in Vermont, New York State, New Jersey, and surrounding states attest to the extreme nature of the great deluge Hurricane Irene brought. According to imagery from metstat.com, Irene’s rains were a 1-in-100 year event for portions of six states.

Why was Hurricane Irene so bad?

As Hurricane Irene passed over the Bahamas late last week, it encountered low atmospheric, or barometric, pressure, which causes air to rise—in this case, warm and moist air, the lifeblood of hurricanes. Over the islands, Irene’s peak winds reached 115 miles (185 kilometers), making it a Category 3 hurricane.

How much rain did Irene get NJ?

The most recent analog for Ida is Irene. The late-August 2011 hurricane followed an unusually wet opening to the month to devastating impact. Rainfall across the state ranged from 8 to 16 inches that month, and then Irene came. Over about 18 hours, 6 to 8 eight inches of rain fell across most of New Jersey.

How long did Hurricane Irene last?

August 21, 2011 – August 28, 2011
Hurricane Irene/Dates

How strong is Hurricane Irene?

Category 3 Hurricane (SSHWS)
Hurricane Irene/Category

What was Hurricane Irene storm surge?

Torrential rainfall amounts in excess of 10 inches were widespread. Storm surge levels of over 10 feet were observed at Ocracoke and several breaches of Highway 12 were noted all along the Outer Banks. A total of 5 people were killed in North Carolina as the result of Irene.

How strong is hurricane Irene?

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