What is the answer to question 11 on the impossible quiz?

What is the answer to question 11 on the impossible quiz?

The choices are “December 3rd”, “n”, “a question mark”, and “142 dwarves”. While it would seem sensible to choose “December 3rd” or “A question mark”, the answer in this case is “n”, because it’s what follows the word “December” the second; in other words, it’s the second character after the word.

How do you beat question 11 on the impossible quiz 2?

Click and drag the words “a penguin” to reveal the answer. 11. Don’t touch the blue parts of the maze. First head up, then to the left, click and hold the left mouse button to grab the key, then head over to the right and put it into the lock to proceed.

How many questions is the impossible quiz?

110 questions
There are 100 questions, plus the Epic 10 after Question 100. The answer is “No one knows that”, because the game assumes that nobody who has made it to this question has actually made it to the very end of the game, thus nobody really knows that this Quiz actually has 110 questions in total.

How do you do question 12 on the impossible quiz?

The answer is NOT the third circle from the left. Just like in the Demo, the smallest circle here is the dot that makes the lowercase “i” on the word “click” in the question. You won’t see it’s clickable until you put your cursor on it. Click that dot to continue.

What is the answer to question 47 on the impossible quiz?

What you have to do is to put your finger on the screen and move it around the screen until you put it on the button, which will then become visible again.

Is there an impossible quiz 3?

The Impossible Quiz 3, a project made by Imaginary Sand using Tynker. Learn to code and make your own app or game in minutes.

Can you match box?

Question 2 of The Impossible Quiz is taken from The Impossible Quiz Demo (where it was also the second one). The answer is “No, but a tin can” because the question is asking if a match is able to box, rather than the word “matchbox”, due to the answer “No, but a tin can” being the same, in terms of a pun.

What is the answer to 10 on the impossible quiz?

The answer to this question, just like in the demo, is the denture, as the word “choose” sounds like “chews”, therefore making the task “Chews food”. Completing this question awards you with the very first Skip of the game.

What is number 10 on the impossible quiz?

The answer to this question, just like in the demo, is the denture, as the word “choose” sounds like “chews”, therefore making the task “Chews food”.

What is question number 49 on the impossible quiz?

Question 49 of The Impossible Quiz says “Which is the correct spelling?”, referring to which of the four options below is the correct spelling of the name of the Quiz’s creator. The choices are “Slap-Me-Do”, “Slapp-Me-Do”, “Spapp-Me-Do” and “Splapp-Me-Do”.

How many questions are there in the impossible Quiz 2?

The Impossible Quiz 2 is a worthy successor to its predecessor. This game is a challenging series of riddles which force you to stretch your brain. Don’t let the hype about the difficulty of this game discourage you from playing. There are 120 questions or levels in The Impossible Quiz 2.

What is an impossible question to answer?

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  • Is the impossible quiz impossible?

    The Impossible Quiz. Try to beat the quiz by answering all of the questions. it’s as simple as that, or it? The question are far from easy, sometimes require insane logic, others are completely down to guessing. It’s hard, but it’s NOT impossible! You have 3 lives throughout the quiz. Get an answer incorrect and you’ll lose one.

    How many questions in the impossible quiz games?

    How Many Questions Are There In The Impossible Quiz? The complete number of questions in the game is 110. If you will be able to answer all of them without cheats and answers you can call yourself a very smart person.

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