What is a menu driven C program?

What is a menu driven C program?

Menu-driven program in c: A program that obtains choice from a user by displaying the menu.

How do I create a menu driven program?

Menu-Driven program using Switch-case in C

  1. Problem Statement:
  2. Output: Press 1 to calculate area of circle Press 2 to calculate area of square Press 3 to calculate area of sphere Enter your choice: 1 Enter radius: 5 Area of circle=78.5.
  3. Related Articles:

Which statement is used to write a menu driven program?

We use a switch statement when we want to write 2 or more than 2 programs in a single program. Inside the switch statement, cases are used we can number these cases using number or alphabets like case ‘a’: or case ‘1’:.

What is menu driven example?

menu-driven program A program that obtains input from a user by displaying a list of options – the menu – from which the user indicates his/her choice. Systems running menu-driven programs are commonplace, ranging from icroprocessor controlled washing machines to bank cash dispensers.

How do you write a menu driven program using switch case?

Manage Menu Driven Program using switch statement

  1. #include
  2. #include
  3. int ch,r,l,w,b,h;
  4. float area;
  5. printf(“enter 1 for area of circle\n”);
  6. printf(“enter 2 for area of rectangal\n”);
  7. printf(“enter 3 for area of triagle\n”);
  8. printf(“enter your choise\n”);

Which loop is best for menu driven program?

So, do-while loop is generally used in menu-driven program like Calculator Program, which gives options to the user whether he/she wants addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc. to perform the desired action accordingly. Following example illustrates the concept of do-while loop.

What is meant by menu driven?

: relating to or being a computer program in which options are offered to the user via menus.

How do you write an algorithm for a menu driven program?


  • Step 1: Start the program.
  • Step 2: Read choice and num.
  • Step 3: Repeat till a valid choice.
  • Step 3a: if choice is 1.
  • Step 3b: If choice is 2.
  • Step 3c: If choice is 3.
  • Step 4: Stop the program.

What is menu-driven program in Java example?

The menu-driven program in Java is a program that displays a menu and then takes input from the user to choose an option from the displayed menu. The output is given by the program based on the option selected by the user.

What is meant by menu-driven?

Which loop is useful for a menu driven program?

How do you write an algorithm for a menu-driven program?

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