What is meta tag X-UA-compatible?

What is meta tag X-UA-compatible?

X-UA-Compatible is a document mode meta tag that allows web authors to choose what version of Internet Explorer the page should be rendered as. It is used by Internet Explorer 8 to specify whether a page should be rendered as IE 7 (compatibility view) or IE 8 (standards view).

Is X-UA-compatible still needed?

No need for a X-UA-Compatible IE=Edge statement at all. As MSDN says: “Use the HTML5 document type declaration to enable edge mode”.

How do I make ie11 compatible with ie8?

Changing Compatibility View in Internet Explorer

  1. Select the Tools drop-down menu or the gear icon in Internet Explorer.
  2. Select Compatibility View settings.
  3. Modify the settings either to enable Compatibility View for a site or to disable Compatibility View. Click Close when you have finished making changes.
  4. You’re done!

How do I change document mode to IE9 standards?

Change the Document Mode to Internet Explorer 9 Standards and try to view the content again. To change the Document Mode, press F12, click Document Mode: , and then select Internet Explorer 9 Standards.”

How do I enable HTML5 in IE 11?

html5 for IE11?

  1. Click Start.
  2. On the search bar, type Internet Options, and click on Internet Options from the results.
  3. Click on the Advanced tab.
  4. Under Multimedia, check Enable alternative codecs in HTML5 media elements.
  5. Restart your computer.

How do you add meta in HTML?

tags always go inside the element, and are typically used to specify character set, page description, keywords, author of the document, and viewport settings. Metadata will not be displayed on the page, but is machine parsable.

What is IE11 document mode?

The Internet Explorer 11 Enterprise Mode site list lets you specify document modes for specific websites, helping you fix compatibility issues without changing a single line of code on the site.

How do I set emulation document mode as default?

From the Settings dropdown, select F12 Developer Tools. Select the Emulation tab. Select Edge (Default) from the Document mode drop down. Select Default from the User agent string drop down.

What does the X-UA-compatible meta tag mean?

The X-UA-Compatible meta tag allows web authors to choose what version of Internet Explorer the page should be rendered as. IE11 has made changes to these modes; see the IE11 note below. Microsoft Edge, the browser that will be released after IE11, will only honor the X-UA-Compatible meta tag in certain circumstances.

How does X-UA-Compatible work in Internet Explorer?

X-UA-compatible allows the web application or server to programmatically set the Document Mode for a page. It can be done in a META tag in the header or HTTP Response Header – the difference is subtle and is best explained here: How to use X-US-Compatible

How does the X-UA-Compatible value determine the document mode?

The X-UA-Compatible value determines Windows Internet Explorer’s document as follows: For example, in Windows Internet Explorer 8, IE=9, IE=Edge, and IE=EmulateIE9 result in IE8 mode. Browser emulation modes are not document modes. They instruct Internet Explorer about how to select a document mode when a valid declaration is included.

Do You need X-UA-compatible tag for edge?

Depending upon what Microsoft browsers you support you may not need to continue using the X-UA-Compatible tag. If you need to support IE9 or IE8, then I would recommend using the tag. If you only support the latest browsers (IE11 and/or Edge) then I would consider dropping this tag altogether.

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