What is the full meaning of especially?

What is the full meaning of especially?

Full Definition of especially 1 : specially sense 1. 2a : in particular : particularly food seems cheaper, especially meats. b : for a particular purpose built especially for research.

What are the 5 types of definitions?

The Various Types of Definitions

  • The two general kinds of definitions.
  • Intensional definitions.
  • Extensional definitions.
  • Stipulative definitions.
  • Lexical definitions.
  • Partitive definitions.
  • Functional definitions.
  • Encyclopedic definitions.

How do you use the word especially?

Use especially when something stands out from all the others, and you want the meaning of “particularly,” as in these examples:

  1. She can’t be sure she will win, especially at this early stage of the campaign.
  2. The appetizers and especially the soup were delicious.

Is it especially or specially?

especially/ specially Both can be used to mean “particularly.” Especially tends to be more formal, while specially tends to be more informal: Barney Frank can be ruthless in debate, especially when laying into opponents who try to evade the historical record.

What are two types of definitions?

Definitions can be classified into two large categories, intensional definitions (which try to give the sense of a term) and extensional definitions (which try to list the objects that a term describes).

What are the three main parts of definition?

All definitions have three parts: term being defined, classification and identifying characteristic(s). In order to learn, understand, and use the definition of a term, it is necessary to identify the three parts of a definition.

What are the parts of definition?

A formal definition consists of three parts: The term (word or phrase) to be defined. The class of object or concept to which the term belongs. The differentiating characteristics that distinguish it from all others of its class.

What are the examples of lexical?

In lexicography, a lexical item (or lexical unit / LU, lexical entry) is a single word, a part of a word, or a chain of words (catena) that forms the basic elements of a language’s lexicon (≈ vocabulary). Examples are cat, traffic light, take care of, by the way, and it’s raining cats and dogs.

Is especially grammatically correct?

What is the word especially?

Use especially in a sentence. adverb. Especially is defined as particularly or to a greater degree. An example of especially is when someone is a really a great cardplayer.

What does especially mean in English?

Especially means “exceptionally, in a noteworthy manner, or particularly.”. In the sense of “particular” or “particularly,” the words mean pretty much the same thing. Often they can be used synonymously. However, if you want to stress the exceptional or noteworthy quality, then especial or especially is a better choice.

Is especially an adjective?

In informal spoken English , especially and specially are often used in the same way and it can be hard to hear the difference when people speak: I bought this especially/specially for you. It is especially/specially important to remember this. The adjective for both especially and specially is usually special.

Is it specially or especially?

Specially means for a particular purpose, more than is usual. Specially is also an adverb. Often, especially and specially are interchangeable. However, there are situations where either especially or specially is a better choice. Remember, especially is used to signify something greater than all others,…

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