How do you get pearlescent in Borderlands 1?

How do you get pearlescent in Borderlands 1?

In the first Borderlands game, Pearlescent items are included in The Secret Armory of General Knoxx DLC, where they can be dropped by Crawmerax the Invincible, Badass Bruisers, Lance Pyros, Badass Engineers, and Drifters.

Why is maliwan on Nekrotafeyo?

Maliwan soldiers were later encountered on the planet Nekrotafeyo, presumably after Tyreen shared its location to them. They cooperated alongside the COV in a final effort to prevent the Crimson Raiders from reaching the Great Vault.

Are there legendary weapons in Borderlands 1?

List of Legendary Items (Borderlands) There is one (and exactly one) legendary weapon per valid manufacturer-weapon type pair.

Can you farm GenIVIV?

You can farm GenIVIV for these legendary weapons as it is the dedicated loot source for these items. GenIVIV has a 30% legendary drop chance.

Can you use slag on Maliwan in Borderlands?

Some enemies (like crystalisks with the exception of explosive) are immune or resistant to any kind of elemental damage. Maliwan weapons will perform very poorly against them. Slag will still do normal damage, although cannot apply effect if the target is immune. Maliwan explosive grenade mods will also be capable of damaging them.

What can you do with Borderlands ultimate mod?

The Borderlands Ultimate mod has many fixes and features. You can choose which things to put in your game. Features include: Removal of launch videos (2k & Nvidia), Removal of Story introduction movies when you first start the game, A brand new splash screen (You can ch.

What kind of guns do you get in Maliwan?

Maliwan guns are always elemental (either slag, corrosive, incendiary, cryo or shock, but not explosive) and generally have increased elemental effect chance and damage when compared to guns from other manufacturers. Transfusion grenades are the only Maliwan items that utilize explosive elemental tech.

How many guns does Mad Moxxi Maliwan make?

– Mad Moxxi Maliwan manufactures over 32,400 repeater pistol, 45,000 revolver, 14,400 assault shotgun, 81,000 patrol submachine gun, 16,800 sniper rifle, and 18,900 rocket launcher varieties (Information taken from the Borderlands manual). Official company mottos are “Technology will set you free.”

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