What is ill fitted?

What is ill fitted?

adjective. badly or uncomfortably fitted: an ill-fitted denture. ill-suited: His health made him ill-fitted for hard labor.

What does ill-fitting shoes mean?

adjective [ADJECTIVE noun] An ill-fitting piece of clothing does not fit the person who is wearing it properly.

What does the word ballooned mean?

intransitive verb. 1 : to swell or puff out : expand ballooned to 200 pounds. 2 : to ascend or travel in or as if in a balloon. 3 : to increase rapidly ballooning prices.

How do you use ill fit in a sentence?

Ill-fitting sentence example

  1. He left, closing the ill-fitting door behind him.
  2. He wore an ill-fitting suit and his neck seemed to be untouched by an oversized collar.

Can ill-fitting shoes cause leg pain?

If you’re experiencing leg pain, it may be because of ill-fitting shoes , according to Dr. Samridhi Saxena, senior physiotherapist.

What is ill-fitting bra?

You are wearing the wrong size if your bra straps keep slipping off your shoulders, or are so tight they are digging into your skin. Straps of the correct sized bra will sit comfortably on your shoulders without slipping off. If you’re able to slide 2 fingers easily under the straps, you’re wearing the right size.

Can ill-fitting shoes cause ankle pain?

Protect Against Foot and Ankle Issues Wearing the wrong footwear can increase your risk of developing foot and ankle conditions and injuries, which include corns, bunions, hammertoes, and plantar fasciitis.

Can ill-fitting shoes cause neuropathy?

2 Thirty seven percent of the population reported evidence of neuropathy; tight-fitting shoes can worsen the symptoms of neuropathy by putting pressure on the nerves.

What is ballooning in vmware?

Virtual memory ballooning is a memory reclamation technique used by a hypervisor, when it runs low on RAM memory, to allow the physical host system to retrieve unused memory from some guest virtual machines (VMs) and share it with others mainly.

What is ill-fitting clothing?

Clothes that are ill-fitting are too big or too small — or maybe too big in some places, and too small in others. Your ill-fitting pants may require a belt to keep them from falling down. An ill-fitting dress might be too short and too tight in the arms, and an ill-fitting suit might be big enough to fit two of you.

What are mallet toes?

Hammertoe and mallet toe are foot deformities that occur due to an imbalance in the muscles, tendons or ligaments that normally hold the toe straight. The type of shoes you wear, foot structure, trauma and certain disease processes can contribute to the development of these deformities.


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