How big should a Molly breeding tank be?

How big should a Molly breeding tank be?

Generally, a good fit for the fish is a couple mollies per 10 gallon tank. They need ample room to swim around and, if you end up with multiple fry, room to hide from the more aggressive fish. If you want more than just a couple, you should use the recommended larger tank.

What fish can you put in a tank with piranhas?

Well fed Red Belly Piranhas are fairly tame towards their tank mates and can be kept alongside other fish their size. Large Cichlids, armored Catfish, and related fish like Pacus and Silver Dollars are your safest choices. However you can also try keeping them with tiny fish that are beneath their notice.

What fish can breed with Mollies?

Mollies can easily breed with closely related species such as guppies. These two belong to the same family i.e. Poecilia. A mature molly can give live birth almost once a month.

Will mollies breed in community tank?

Breeding. Mollies are livebearers, which means their eggs develop inside their body so that live fry can be released. They are one of the easiest fish groups to breed in captivity and will mate regularly. Conditions in a breeding tank need to be perfect, the water (and tank in general) should be clean.

What color will my molly Fry be?

What color will my Molly Fry be? Molly fries can be any color they want to be. Normally, they are close to the colors of the parents. Fries are dark grey but as they are growing and getting older, they will start changing color.

What do piranhas like in their tank?

Young piranhas will thrive on Aqueon® Tropical Flakes, Color Flakes, Tropical Granules, Shrimp Pellets and Cichlid Pellets along with frozen tropical fish foods. Adults can be fed medium to jumbo Aqueon® Cichlid Pellets and Monster Fish Medley, as well as frozen krill and other large frozen aquarium fish foods.

Can neon tetras live with piranhas?

Registered. If the tank is large, the Piranha is large, and the tank mates are fast and small…it’s possible. I’ve seen large ones kept with Neons and the like in HUGE (125 and up, heavily planted) tanks. When they get big they don’t usually waste there time with ity bity fish that are difficult to snag.

Can all mollies breed together?

Albeit there being several varieties of molly fish, they all can be mated because regardless of the color or fin configuration, they are the same species, and any male will readily fertilize with all females. So, put simply, different colors and shapes of mollies are still the same fish and will readily breed.

Can guppies and mollies crossbreed?

Mollies and guppies are both livebearers, and because they are so similar it might happen that they crossbreed. Both guppies and mollies can carry sperm for a long time after reproducing. Mollies can carry sperm for months and give birth multiple times with it. This is the same for guppies.

Which is the best tank mate for a piranha?

The Bristlenose plecos and common plecos are ideal tank mates since they have body armor to ward off attacks, and they live in the bottom tank areas. It is almost impossible to discern a male and female piranha when buying them since the differences become apparent during spawning.

What kind of water do you need to breed a Mollie?

For breeding, mollies prefer a tank with a temperature at around 80 °F, or even slightly higher. Mollies enjoy neutral to slightly alkaline water pH (up to 8). Although some recommend adding aquarium salt to the breeding tank, I find that having water with hardness of potable quality works just fine when breeding molly fish.

What kind of substrate do piranha fish need?

Piranhas are not substrate diggers, but you want a smooth one that cannot injure them. A darker substrate will provide an excellent contrast to the body colorations of the piranha fish. Live plants complement a piranha tank well, but there is a chance that the fish will destroy them.

What do you need to know about piranhas as pets?

Piranhas are naturally shoaling fish; they form schools of up to 30 fish to look for larger prey. If you are looking to keep piranhas as pets, there are a few things to consider such as tank size, aquarium setup, filtration and water parameters. Below, you can find the water and tank requirements for piranhas:

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