How do I contact the Queensland Ombudsman?

How do I contact the Queensland Ombudsman?

Enquiries and feedback

  1. We accept complaints made via the online form, by phone and in writing. To make a complaint, complete the online form.
  2. Phone: 3005 7000.
  3. Address: GPO Box 3314, Brisbane, QLD 4001.
  4. Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible by lift.
  5. Fax: (07) 3005 7067.

What does the Queensland Ombudsman do?

We investigate complaints about the actions and decisions of state government departments and agencies (including state schools and TAFE), local councils and public universities. Our complaints assessment and investigation service is free and independent.

What is the department that administers Fair Trading in Qld?

Department of Justice and Attorney-General
For information about consumer laws and their enforcement in Queensland, you can visit the Office of Fair Trading website, which is part of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General. The ACL replaced the following fair trading and consumer protection laws in QLD: Fair Trading Act 1989 (Qld) [PDF 689KB]

What is the role of the Queensland Office of Fair Trading?

The Office of Fair Trading serves Queensland consumers and businesses by: • providing information and advice about their rights and responsibilities • helping resolve marketplace disputes • licensing a range of occupations • investigating unfair business practices • prosecuting unscrupulous businesses • registering …

What complaints does the Ombudsman deal with?

We review and resolve complaints about all sorts of things, such as: billing, customer service, installations/delays, switching providers, loss of service and sales. Find out more about the types of problems Ombudsman Services can look at.

What kinds of complaints does the Ombudsman deal with?

The Ombudsman can investigate complaints about actions and decisions of Australian Government agencies to see if they are wrong, unjust, unlawful, discriminatory or just plain unfair. The Ombudsman also seeks remedies for those affected by administrative deficiency, and acts to improve public administration generally.

When can you contact the Ombudsman?

When to complain to an ombudsman You can complain to an ombudsman if you’ve already complained to the organisation and couldn’t solve your problem through their complaints procedure.

What can the Ombudsman investigate?

What does the NSW Ombudsman do? The NSW Ombudsman is an independent watchdog with responsibility for investigating complaints from members of the public about the administrative processes of public sector agencies. We can also initiate inquiries into matters of public interest of our own motion.

What is the Office of Fair Trading now called?

The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) closed on 31 March 2014, and its work and responsibilities passed to a number of different bodies. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) brings together the Competition Commission (CC) and the competition and certain consumer functions of the OFT in a single body.

Who Is Fair Trading Commissioner?

Rose Webb
Minister for Better Regulation Matt Kean today announced the appointment of Rose Webb as the new Commissioner for NSW Fair Trading. Mr Kean said Ms Webb has an extensive background working at senior levels across both regulatory and enforcement agencies.

Can a store refuse a refund Qld?

‘No refunds’ signs are illegal. Businesses must not deny your legal rights. You are entitled to a refund, repair, replacement or repeat service if goods or services do not meet your consumer guarantees.

Does the ombudsman really help?

An ombudsman is a person who has been appointed to look into complaints about companies and organisations. Ombudsmen are independent, free and impartial – so they don’t take sides. You should try and resolve your complaint with the organisation before you complain to an ombudsman.

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