Is AssaultCube free?

Is AssaultCube free?

AssaultCube is available for free on Microsoft Windows, OS X, FreeBSD, Linux and Android. The game engine is free software, however parts of the accompanying game media, such as the graphics, are released under non-free licenses, the CC BY-NC-SA Creative Commons license, which makes the overall game freeware.

How many GB is Assault Cube?

AssaultCube System Requirements

Minimum Build It Recommended Build It
OS Windows 2000 Windows XP 32-bit
DirectX 8 9
HDD Space 1 GB 1 GB

How do I install AssaultCube on Linux?

Installing AssaultCube Download the executable from the download page. Open it and follow the instructions. Download the tarball from the download page. Extract it somewhere where you have permissions to read/write.

What does Assault Cube use?

What is AssaultCube? AssaultCube is a FREE, multiplayer, first-person shooter game, based on the CUBE engine. Taking place in realistic environments, with fast, arcade gameplay, it’s addictive and fun! With efficient bandwidth usage, it’s low-latency and can even run over a 56 Kbps connection.

When was Assault Cube released?

April 11, 2006
AssaultCube/Initial release dates

How do you play Assault Cube?

Starting a single-player game is simple. Press ESC, navigate to Singleplayer, then choose the mode, bot skill, amount of enemies and the map. Then, a game with computer-bot enemies will start immediately.

When was assault cube made?

How do you aim in AssaultCube?

Controls. After knowing the controls, most things in AssaultCube are relatively straightforward. Press W to move forwards and then move your mouse around to change directions. Left-click when aimed at an enemy to attack them.

What kind of game is AssaultCube for PC?

AssaultCube is a FREE, multiplayer, first-person shooter game, based on the CUBE engine . Taking place in realistic environments, with fast, arcade gameplay, it’s addictive and fun! With efficient bandwidth usage, it’s low-latency and can even run over a 56 Kbps connection. It’s tiny too,…

Is the AssaultCube a first person shooter game?

AssaultCube is a free first-person-shooter based on the game Cube. It’s set in a realistic-looking environment, while gameplay stays fast and arcade-like. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun. AssaultCube is fast and runs on old hardware, with the correct settings you can run it on a P3 800Mhz gf2.

What are the names of the teams in AssaultCube?

There are two different teams in AssaultCube, called the “Cubers Liberations Army” (CLA) and the “Rabid Viper Special Forces” (RVSF). AssaultCube retains a movement bug from the original Cube engine that allows players to utilize straferunning to move at a faster speed.

When did AssaultCube version 1.0 come out?

Version 1.0 was released on November 21, 2008. The latest version,, was released on November 10, 2013. AssaultCube retains an in-game mapping feature from the original Cube game, resulting in a variety of custom maps.

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