What is the minimum tank size for discus fish?

What is the minimum tank size for discus fish?

55 gallon tank
While it’s possible for discus to reach a length of 9 inches, this is only if they’re kept for a long time in the best conditions possible. Most discus in the common aquarium max out at 4.5-6 inches. Based on this size range, the minimum tank size would be a 55 gallon tank, but the bigger the better for these guys.

Is discus a community fish?

Discus are cichlids, meaning that they demonstrate brood care and protect their eggs and fry from others. Although they are community fish and safe with small fish, a community tank containing Discus only works if the conditions the Discus need are met first and foremost.

How much is a discus fish worth?

Discus Fish for Sale Price List

Strain Name Size#2 (3.0 – 4.0 inches) Size#3 (4.5+ inches)
Blue Diamonds $85.00 $100.00
Turquoise Checkerboard $80.00 $90.00
Pigeon Blood $100.00
Tangerine $90.00 $110.00

Can you keep 1 discus?

(That’s why people recommend doing all those frequent water changes.) Many customers ask us, “Can I keep one discus?” Technically, the answer is yes. The same thing applies with discus. However, they are schooling fish by nature and are much happier when surrounded by a large group of their own kind.

How many discus are in a 200 Litre tank?

If you simply want a peaceful discus tank, increase the stock so that territorial behaviour cannot develop (5-6 adult fish to 100 litres of water). How can I get my discus fish to lay eggs? Put a group of 4-5 fish in an aquarium of 200 litres and change more than 50 % of the water.

Can discus live in 78 degree water?

“Do not keep your discus in water under 85 degrees or THEY WILL DIE!” He must have accidentally sent me an arctic discus species, because even at 78 degrees, they’re completely fine. Quite a number of folks have breed them at 82F, clearly not too wimpy if they are breeding at such temps.

Can you keep just 2 discus?

You can keep 2 discus fish in this size but they won’t live happily or for a long time. However, you can keep 2 baby discus fish when they are not fully grown inside a 15-gallon tank. For healthy growth of discus fry, get the tank water cleaned regularly or install a high-quality filter.

Does discus need RO water?

While Reverse Osmosis (RO) water is not required to successfully keep discus, for many it is an absolute necessity to breed them. When shopping for an RO unit be aware that you will only need a three stage unit (sediment filter-carbon block-and ro membrane).

Is discus peaceful?

Discus are generally calm, peaceful fish, but as cichlids, they can be aggressive toward one another, especially when attempting to pair off and spawn. Shy or submissive fish should be removed if they are unable to compete. Most serious hobbyists do not mix their discus with too many other species.

Can I have just 2 discus?

How big of a tank do I need for a discus fish?

Discus fish thrive best in water PH level ranging from 5.0-7.0. Water temperatures ranging from 82-86 F. You will need to provide them with a high and wide tank to facilitate movement. You can go for an 18inch to 24 inch high tank. At least 3 feet tank is ideal for a for 4-6 discus fish which can hold close to 50-60 gallons of water.

What kind of care do you need for a discus?

Discus are considered to require a higher level of care than other aquarium fish. Their basic requirements are a larger aquarium (3ft+ is recommended) and stable, clean water. For this reason alone they are not recommended for the beginner aquarist.

What’s the best temperature for a discus fish?

We highly recommend 85 to 86°F. The reason is because the discus farms we get them from usually keep their waters at these temperatures, and when we try to force them to cool down, it becomes a source of discomfort.

Why does my discus fish keep leaning on the Driftwood?

If they are unable to balance, leaning on the driftwood or against the side of the tank, then it could indicate a nitrite spike. These fish need weekly full tank cleans, with water changes of 25% and the sediment cleaned using a gravel vacuum to remove excess food.

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