What day is National Deaf Day?

What day is National Deaf Day?

last Sunday of September
World Day of The Deaf is celebrated every last Sunday of September, falling on September 26 this year. It is a holiday that recognizes the rights of deaf people all around the world and calls on different organizations to help uphold these rights….World Day of The Deaf dates.

Year Date Day
2026 September 27 Sunday

Is there a national deaf day?

International Week of the Deaf is celebrated by the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) and its national associations and their affiliates globally during the last full week of September (Monday through Sunday), culminating with International Day of the Deaf on the last Sunday of the week.

Who started World Deaf Day?

Since 2009, this international event has been observed annually all over the world on the last Sunday of September. Introduced by the UN, the World Day of Deaf is commemorated to raise awareness and acquaint people about the challenges of deaf people, their families; and also their achievements.

What is the theme of this year WFD?

The 2019 theme is “Our Actions Are Our Future, Healthy Diets for A #ZeroHunger World\”.

How do people celebrate Deaf Day?

It is usually celebrated in the form of rallies, seminar and various deaf awareness campaigns including some fun events. Dr. E.C. Vinaya Kumar on the occasion of world deaf day In India, every 4th child born is hearing impaired and the incidence of the problem is more in the rural and below poverty line population.

Which day is celebrated on 19 September?

International Talk Like a Pirate Day
19 September – International Talk Like a Pirate Day International Talk Like a Pirate Day is celebrated on 19 September annually. The day encourages people to talk and dress like the sea plunderers of yesteryears.

How many deaf languages are there?

There are more than 300 different sign languages in use around the world. They vary from nation to nation. Even in countries where the same language is spoken, sign language can have many different regional accents that bring subtle variations to people’s use and understanding of signs.

How many people in the world are deaf?

Share on: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 5% of the world’s population suffers from disabling hearing loss. Five percent may seem like a small number, but that totals over 360 million people across the globe.

When was deaf Awareness week first founded?

September 21st-27th is Deaf Awareness Week Founded by the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) in 1958, the last week of September is celebrated as International Week of the Deaf across the globe.

Why is World Deaf Day celebrated?

About World Deaf Day World Deaf Day is celebrated every year on the last Sunday of September with the aim to draw attention of general public, politician and development authorities towards the achievements of the deaf people as well as deaf people community.

What is September 18th day?

National Cheeseburger Day on September 18th honors America’s favorite sandwich with a slice of cheese. A few days ago, we celebrated National Double Cheeseburger Day. This food holiday is the lighter version.

Why is 14 September celebrated as Hindi Day?

Officially, the first Hindi Day was celebrated on September 14, 1953. The reason behind adopting Hindi as one of the official languages was to simplify administration in a nation with multiple languages. Efforts were made by several writers, poets and activists for the adoption of Hindi as the official language.


The last Sunday in April is designated Mother Father Deaf Day. This is a day that codas around the world acknowledge and celebrate our deaf parents. 25 April 2021 will mark the 25th anniversary of Mother Father Deaf Day.

What is the International week of the Deaf?

The International Week of the Deaf (IWD) is an initiative of the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) and was first launched in 1958 in Rome, Italy. It is celebrated annually by the global Deaf Community during the last full week of September to commemorate the same month the first World Congress of the WFD was held.

Who is World Hearing Day?

World Hearing Day is held on 3 March each year to raise awareness on how to prevent deafness and hearing loss and promote ear and hearing care across the world. Each year, WHO decides the theme and develops evidence-based advocacy materials such as brochures, flyers, posters, banners, infographics and presentations, among others.

What is deaf awareness?

Deaf Awareness Week is a national week of celebrating deafness. It is observed annually throughout the last full week of September.

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