What is the hostel fee of Sri Venkateswara College?

What is the hostel fee of Sri Venkateswara College?

Hostel Facilities : You can have an average of about 6000-12000 pm depending upon what you choose. College hostel charges about 7000pm including mess charges.

Are mobile phones allowed in SVCE?

GENERAL RULES Library is a silence zone. Mobile phones and watch alarms should be switched to silent mode before entering the Library. Private books and personal belongings are to be deposited at the entrance. Any printed materials, documents and CD-ROMs will not be permitted to be taken inside the library.

Does Venkateswara have hostel?

At the Venkateswara hostels. The Hostel provides accommodations for 144 students, 72 each for Boys and Girls. This on campus residential facility is offered to full time undergraduate students.

Is Venkateswara College good?

Sri Venkateswara College,popularly known as Venky) ranks among top colleges of DU and the best co-ed college in South campus. Faculty is excellent in terms of qualifications, experience, research and behaviour. The curriculum is updated and includes ll recent developments in the field.

Is phone allowed in DU hostel?

The hostel administration in some other prominent DU colleges, such as Lady Shri Ram and Miranda House, allows students to use laptops and phones. They also let students lock their rooms’ doors. Students use them for research, writing papers and projects. There is no need to ban them,” an official said.

Is phone allowed in Panimalar college?

No, cell phones are not allowed in Panimalar engineering college.

How do I apply for DU hostel?

4.1 All applicants are required to fill in the on-line registration form available at the hostel website www.ughg-du.org. A registration number will be allotted to them. The application forms, along with the bulletin of information, can be downloaded from the hostel website on online payment of Rs.

How do you get into the hostel in Miranda’s house?

  1. Hostel Application Form Candidates desirous of applying for admission to the hostel must approach the Hostel Admission Desk in the office immediately after securing admission in the college to fill/ generate an Online Hostel Application Form.
  2. Eligibility and Allocation of Seats.
  3. Notification.
  4. Payment of Fee.

Is Venky better than hansraj?

Both colleges are great. Hansraj College is in the north campus, and Sri Venkateswara College in the south campus. So, you can decide based on the area you want to live in, otherwise both colleges are good. Both colleges are great.

Is laptop allowed in DU?

All students who take admission in the undergraduate courses of Delhi University (DU) from this academic session onwards in July will be provided with free laptops, the administration has decided. All students would be provided with a laptop irrespective of the course they are admitted into.

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