Who is Pearl Cleage married to?

Who is Pearl Cleage married to?

Michael Lomaxm. 1969–1979
Pearl Cleage/Spouse

Cleage is married to Zaron W. Burnett, Jr., with whom she frequently collaborates. She has one daughter, Deignan, and two grandchildren, Chloe and Michael.

Is Pearl Cleage alive?

Pearl Cleage (December 7, 1948) (pronounced: “cleg”) is an African-American playwright, essayist, novelist, poet and political activist. She is currently the Playwright in Residence at the Alliance Theatre and at the Just Us Theater Company….

Pearl Cleage
Nationality American
Genre African-American literature

Where is Pearl Cleage from?

Springfield, Massachusetts, United States
Pearl Cleage/Place of birth

When was Pearl Cleage born?

December 7, 1948 (age 72 years)
Pearl Cleage/Date of birth

Is Elizabeth Lowell still writing books?

Her new romance novel PERFECT TOUCH will be out in the summer of 2015. She has been writing since 1982 and in 1989 became an innovator in the field of romantic suspense. She has over fifty books to her name. Lowell lives in Nevada with her husband of many years.

Is Pearl Cleage married?

Pearl Cleage/Spouse

What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day quotes?

“What looks like crazy on an ordinary day, looks a lot like love when you catch it in the moonlight.”

What kind of books does Elizabeth Lowell write?

Apart from Elizabeth Lowell, she is also known by the pseudonyms A. E. Maxwell and Lowell Charters, through which she has contributed several successful novels and nonfiction books. The novels written by her range from a variety of genres including historical fiction, science fiction, mystery, romance and suspense.

What happened to author Elizabeth Lowell?

She has been writing since 1982 and in 1989 became an innovator in the field of romantic suspense. She has over fifty books to her name. Lowell lives in Nevada with her husband of many years.

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