Why is Place de la Concorde famous?

Why is Place de la Concorde famous?

It was the site of many notable public executions, including the executions of King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and Maximilien Robespierre in the course of the French Revolution, during which the square was temporarily renamed Place de la Révolution. …

What is special about Place de la Concorde?

The Place de la Concorde is perhaps best known for its ties to the French Revolution, when revolutionists erected a guillotine and used the square as an execution site. Originally constructed in honor of King Louis XV in 1772, his grandson King Louis XVI met his fate on the square in 1793.

How many people died in Place de la Concorde?

20 deaths
The result: 20 deaths and 2,300 casualties, making the incident the bloodiest shooting in the history of the French Third Republic. It deeply marked French politics. 23 March 1937: Place de la Concorde and all its architectural features were classed as listed historical monuments.

What does La Place de la Concorde represent?

With the Reign of Terror coming to its end in 1795, the square was officially renamed Place de la Concorde, which is a reference to peace and harmony.

Where did Marie Antoinette died?

Place de la Concorde, Paris, France
Marie Antoinette/Place of death

What is the old name of Place de la Concorde in Paris?

Place Louis XV
Place de la Concorde, formerly Place Louis XV, Place de la Révolution, Place de la Chartre, and Place Louis XVI, public square in central Paris, situated on the right bank of the Seine between the Tuileries Gardens and the western terminus of the Champs-Élysées.

How old is Place de la Concorde?

This square was designed between 1757 and 1779 and named Place Louis XV. In the center there was an equestrian statue of the King Louis XV, made to celebrate his better health after having suffered a long illness.

What is the former name of La Place de la Concorde?

What is now found at Place de la Concorde in Paris?

the Luxor Obelisk
Place de la Concorde is situated at the end of the Champs-Elysées. Today it is famous for the Luxor Obelisk (a 3,300 year old Egyptian obelisk erected on the square in October 1836), the surrounding prestigious hotels, and the two monumental fountains (Fontaine des Mers and Fontaine des Fleuves).

When was the Fontaines de la Concorde built?

Fountain of River Commerce and Navigation. Fontaines de la Concorde (detail) The Fontaines de la Concorde are two monumental fountains located in the Place de la Concorde in the center of Paris. They were designed by Jacques Ignace Hittorff, and completed in 1840 during the reign of King Louis-Philippe.

How big is the Place de la Concorde?

When arriving at the square, the first thing you’ll notice is that it’s actually huge. It has a length of 359 meters (1,178 feet) and a width of 212 meters (696 feet). One of the most amazing Place de la Concorde facts is that this huge open area is the equivalent of about 3 large football fields!

What did the fountains on the Concorde look like?

Water was to jet from the top of the cap and then cascade downward into a circular vasque, then down into a large circular basin below. The major figures of the fountains were made of cast iron, florentined, or painted with bronze and gold paint.

How did the Place de la Concorde get its name?

During the French Revolution, the square was renamed Place de la Revolution, the guillotine was placed there, and King Louis XVI and thousands of others were beheaded near the site of the present fountains. In 1795, after the Reign of Terror ended, the square was renamed the Place de la Concorde.

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