Can you drink green tea while taking warfarin?

Can you drink green tea while taking warfarin?

Blood Thinning Medications (Including Aspirin) — People who take warfarin, a blood thinning medication, should not drink green tea. Since green tea contains vitamin K, it can make warfarin ineffective. Meanwhile, you should not mix green tea and aspirin because they both prevent platelets from clotting.

Does green tea raise your INR?

Although brewed green tea contains low amounts of vitamin K, this case report demonstrates that drinking large quantities of green tea may cause clinically signifi- cant changes in INR values.

What tea can I drink while on warfarin?

If you drink tea, black tea (such as orange pekoe tea) is acceptable because it is not high in Vitamin K….Other dietary tips:

  • Garlic.
  • Ginger.
  • Gingko biloba.
  • Ginseng.
  • Feverfew.
  • Fish oil.
  • Turmeric.
  • St. Johns Wort.

What tea is safe with blood thinners?

Benefits: Black tea also contains EGCG and has the highest caffeine content of all teas. It also contains its own superchemical, which seems to work as a blood thinner the same way aspirin does.

Does green tea affect blood clotting?

Compounds in green tea decrease levels of fibrinogen, a protein that helps clot blood. Green tea also prevents the oxidation of fatty acids, which can lead to thinner blood consistency. If you suffer from a blood clotting disorder, avoid drinking green tea.

Does tea affect Coumadin?

If a person on Coumadin decides one day to load up on green tea, that person could negate Coumadin’s action. If the person has been drinking green tea from the first day of starting Coumadin, that person can continue to drink it — the dose of Coumadin has been adjusted upward.

Does green tea thin your blood?

Green tea appears to have a blood-thinning effect that can be beneficial for some people and detrimental to those who are already taking a blood thinner. The article explains that green tea contains vitamin K, which can thin the blood.

Does green tea have Vit K?

Green and black tea leaves do contain vitamin K before they are steeped in water, but a small serving of the hot tea itself does not. Check with your doctor before you take any supplements or herbal products. Some of these may contain vitamin K.

Is green tea a blood thinner?

Does green tea have vitamin K?

Does green tea have vitamin K in it?

Does green tea interact with COPD?

This study suggests that the consumption of green tea ≥2 times/d is associated with a reduced risk of COPD in Korean populations. Consuming Green Tea at Least Twice Each Day Is Associated with Reduced Odds of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease in Middle-Aged and Older Korean Adults

Does green tea interact with metoprolol?

Possible Interactions with: Green Tea. Beta-blockers, Propranolol, and Metoprolol — Caffeine (including caffeine from green tea) may increase blood pressure in people taking propranolol and metoprolol (medications used to treat high blood pressure and heart disease).

Does green tea interact with blood clots?

Avoid using green tea together with other herbal/health supplements that can also affect blood-clotting. This includes angelica ( dong quai ), capsicum, clove, danshen, garlic, ginger, ginkgo, horse chestnut, panax ginseng, poplar, red clover, saw palmetto, turmeric, and willow.

Does green tea interact with INR?

Green tea does contain caffeine as well as moderate quantities of vitamin K; which may lead to a decrease in INR (International Normalized Ratio). Rx Form submit results

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