Which procedure is done for imperforate anus?

Which procedure is done for imperforate anus?

Surgery involves closing any small tube-like openings (fistulas), creating an anal opening, and putting the rectal pouch into the anal opening. This is called an anoplasty.

What is a Soave pull-through?

Soave pull-through The Soave procedure involves resecting the mucosa and submucosa of the rectum and pulling through the normal ganglionic bowel through the aganglionic muscular cuff of the rectum.

What does a Anoplasty do?

Anoplasty involves reconstruction of the anus and is most often performed to correct anal stenosis, which is a narrowing of the anal canal that causes painful bowel movements. General anesthesia is typically used. Procedure involves stretching or enlarging the opening where stool drains.

How common is imperforate anus?

There may also be stenosis (narrowing) or a complete absence of the anus. The problem is caused by abnormal development of the fetus and may be associated with other birth defects. Imperforate anus is a relatively common condition that occurs in about 1 out of 5,000 infants.

What is a Pena procedure?

Weeks after the colostomy, an operation will be planned. This surgery is called a posterior sagittal anorectoplasty , PSARP or “Peña Procedure”. This operation will separate the anus from the urinary and/or sexual structures. The colostomy will remain open until healing is completed.

What to expect after surgery for Hirschsprung’s?

Immediately following successful surgery, many children with Hirschsprung’s disease have diarrhea for weeks. Diarrhea may break down sensitive skin under the diaper, and the child recognizes intense pain after each bowel movement.

What is endorectal pull-through?

Background: Transanal endorectal pull-through was described by De la Torre-Mondragon’s technique. In the original transanal pull-through procedure, a long rectal muscular cuff was dissected and left for anocolic anastomosis, which would sometimes lead to postoperative obstructive symptoms and enterocolitis.

What can you eat after anorectal surgery?

Diet. Eat a high-fiber general diet, including plenty of fruits and vegetables. Try to drink at least six to eight glasses of water or juice per day to help keep the stool soft.

What is Fissurectomy?

A fissurectomy is another surgery that can be used to treat anal fissures. This procedure produces the same result as a sphincterotomy, except that during this surgery, the edges of the fissure are also surgically removed, as are any skin tags that may have occurred in conjunction with chronic tears.

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