Can you romance specialist Traynor?

Can you romance specialist Traynor?

Samantha Traynor Romance Explained She fills the role of Kelly Chambers from Mass Effect 2, but unlike in that game, Traynor is a Serious Romance, and isn’t considered a fling. As with any Romance, if you’re interested in her you’ll need to pick Paragon options so that you’re nice.

Can you romance specialist Traynor me3?

Samantha Traynor is one of the romance options for Shepard in Mass Effect 3. To start a romance, Shepard must agree to a Game Night and a shower. Several new characters join the Normandy crew in Mass Effect 3, and many of them, including Shepard’s new Communications Specialist, Samantha Traynor, are romance options.

Who can you romance in Mass Effect games?

Whether you play as a Male Shepard or Female Shepard, you have two romance options in Mass Effect 1:

  • Kaidan Alenko, a reserved soldier who is talented with biotics. Female Shepard only.
  • Liara T’Soni, a curious but knowledgeable Asari scientist.
  • Ashley Williams, an outspoken soldier and a crack shot.

Can you sleep with Traynor?

Mass Effect 3: Male Shepard can have sex with Steve Cortez or Kaiden Alenko, while female Shepard can sleep with Samantha Traynor, Kelly or Liara, receiving the Paramour achievement for each. FemShep can also have sex with female character Diana Allers, though it doesn’t result in an achievement.

Does Diana affect other romances?

She’s considered a “fling”, meaning that Romancing her won’t give you the ParamourAchievement. It also means that it won’t jeopardize a Romance with anyone else nor be interrupted by one, although one Romance partner will know and be less than impressed.

Does liara cheat on Shepard?

Because Liara isn’t property, Shepard fully acknowledges that she had every right to move on (take notes, Kaidan) and that her falling in love with someone else after Shepard’s death plus two years is not considered « cheating. » For Shepard, it hasn’t been two years.

Can you romance the prothean?

On Eden Prime, depending on Shepard’s gender, either Kaidan or Ashley get caught in the pull of the Prothean beacon. If you want to romance them, reassure them, and continue to speak to them after each primary mission – the two of you develop a flirtatious relationship.

Do Garrus and Tali get together?

And while everyone knows about the sweet relationship between Joker and EDI, you might not be aware that Garrus and Tali can also get together. The pair’s romance isn’t the deepest in the series, but both characters are some of Mass Effect’s most beloved companions, so just seeing them as a loving pair is exciting.

What happens if I cheat on Liara?

If Shepard decides to break up with their new partner, the picture will turn back up. Additionally, in regards to Liara, if Shepard chooses to stay faithful to Liara throughout Mass Effect 2, they’ll look at Liara’s picture as the Normandy goes through the Omega 4 Relay.

Can you cheat on Liara in Mass Effect 3?

Definitely not. Liara is almost always available in ME3, regardless of who you cheated on her with (and I will admit that, at times, I wanted to dump Jack or Miranda or Tali to be with her). The only consequence is that sooner or later, you’ll have to decide who you want to be with (if anyone), and the…

Do Liara and Shepard have kids?

Iyra Aldonia was an Asari Commando, Shadow Broker agent, and adept. She is one of the main protagonist of Mass Effect: Lost Souls, Broken Minds. Iyra is also the daughter of Liara T’Soni, and Vincent Shepard. Iyra was born on Thessia, her mother’s homeworld, the last child of Liara and Vincent.

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