What is meant by suffused with?

What is meant by suffused with?

: to spread over or through in the manner of fluid or light : flush, fill the northern horizon was suffused with a deep red glow— P. M. Leschak.

What is the synonym of suffused with?

Some common synonyms of suffuse are imbue, infuse, ingrain, inoculate, and leaven.

What is the opposite of suffused?

Opposite of gradually spread through or over. close. dehydrate. dry. wring out.

What is the meaning of suffusion?

1 : the act or process of suffusing or state of being suffused with something specifically : the spreading of a fluid of the body into the surrounding tissues a suffusion of blood. 2 : a coloring spread over a surface (as the face)

What is the difference between Infuse and suffuse?

As verbs the difference between suffuse and infuse is that suffuse is to spread through or over something, especially as a liquid, colour or light; to perfuse while infuse is to cause to become an element of something; to insert or fill.

What does it mean to call someone a Chowderhead?

stupid person
English Language Learners Definition of chowderhead : a stupid person.

What is the difference between diffuse and suffuse?

As verbs the difference between diffuse and suffuse is that diffuse is to spread over or through as in air, water, or other matter, especially by fluid motion or passive means while suffuse is to spread through or over something, especially as a liquid, colour or light; to perfuse.

What is a typify?

transitive verb. 1 : to represent in typical fashion : to constitute a typical mark or instance of realism … that typified his earlier work — Current Biography. 2 : to embody the essential or salient characteristics of : be the type of.

What is the sentence of suffused?

Suffused sentence example. It suffused him, seized him, and enveloped him completely. But when on Sunday after church the footman announced in the drawing room that Count Rostov had called, the princess showed no confusion, only a slight blush suffused her cheeks and her eyes lit up with a new and radiant light.

Is Chowderhead a bad word?

“Chowderhead” is a mispronunciation of “jolterhead,” a derivative of the 16th-century insult “jolt head.” Before being extended to a thickheaded person (i.e., a blockhead), the term “jolt head” was used literally for a large, heavy head.

What’s the difference between infuse and suffuse?

Infuse is a verb, related words are infuses, infused, infusing, infusion. Infuse is derived from the Latin word infusus, which means pour in, mix, mingle. Suffuse means to spread through in a gradual fashion, to spread over in a gradual fashion.

Which is the best synonym for the word suffuse?

Choose the Right Synonym for suffuse. infuse, suffuse, imbue, ingrain, inoculate, leaven mean to introduce one thing into another so as to affect it throughout. infuse implies a pouring in of something that gives new life or significance.

Why do strawberries spoil faster in the fridge?

Because strawberries and other fresh berries tend to have mold spores on their surfaces, they spoil faster when left out at room temperature. Keeping them in the fridge slows down this process so you have more time to use them.

What are the best flavors to infuse in a drink?

Classic infusion flavors: cucumber, citrus of all kinds, floral (lavender especially), herbal – think basil, fennel or lemon verbena – apple and pear, and green tea. Personal favorites: I infuse Gordan’s Gin. I love cucumber and star anise – this makes a simply lovely drink served neat over ice. Grapefruit and ginger is excellent too.

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