Which is the best dictionary definition of irony?

Which is the best dictionary definition of irony?

English Language Learners Definition of irony : the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really think especially in order to be funny : a situation that is strange or funny because things happen in a way that seems to be the opposite of what you expected See the full definition for irony in the English Language Learners Dictionary

Which is the best definition of the word politicize?

English Language Learners Definition of politicize disapproving : to relate (an idea, issue, etc.) to politics in a way that makes people less likely to agree : to cause (someone) to become involved or interested in government or politics

How is irony used in Socratic and dramatic irony?

Socratic irony is a tool used in debating; dramatic irony is what happens when the audience realizes that Romeo and Juliet’s plans will go awry. The third, and debated, use of irony regards what’s called situational irony.

What does it mean to politicize a tragedy?

To politicize means “to give a political tone or character to,” and to Solokowski, “That strikes me as being very close to saying ‘politicizing a tragedy,’ as in, you’re deliberately making it a partisan political issue rather than whatever news story it might be.”.

See more synonyms for irony on Thesaurus.com. noun, plural i·ro·nies. the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend.

Which is the best example of verbal irony?

For example, if someone has a painful visit to the dentist and when it’s over says, “Well, that was pleasant,” they are using verbal irony because the intended meaning of their words (that it wasn’t at all pleasant) is the opposite of the literal meaning of the words. Verbal irony is the most common form of irony.

What is the meaning of the word Targ?

Targ demonstrates the joy of chaos that can be found within the chaotic universe. As a way of expressing, it is available to all. As such, it has been corrupted many times by people who believe that Targ is just random images and words, instead of an attempt to humorize a particular object or theme. Critic: You can’t Targ for shit…

How is the gift of the Magi an example of irony?

It is an example of situational irony when, in the O. Henry story ” The Gift of the Magi ,” a young wife cuts off her hair in order to buy her husband a chain for his prized watch, but the husband sells his watch to buy his wife a comb for her beautiful hair.

Which is an example of irony in Shakespeare?

In dramatic irony, the characters are oblivious of the situation, but the audience is not. For example, in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, we know well before the characters that they are going to die. In real life circumstances, irony may be comical, bitter, or sometimes unbearably offensive.

How is irony used in situational and dramatic irony?

In situational irony, both the characters and the audience are fully unaware of the implications of the real situation. In dramatic irony, the characters are oblivious of the situation, but the audience is not.

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