Do you need to cure reef saver dry rock?

Do you need to cure reef saver dry rock?

Reef Saver is pretty clean rock, but we generally recommend curing any rock going into a system with livestock. On the other hand, if this is a new tank with no critters, you could very well give the rock a good rinse and then cycle/cure it at the same time in the display.

What are reef rocks?

A reef is a ridge or shoal of rock, coral or similar relatively stable material, lying beneath the surface of a natural body of water. Many reefs result from natural, abiotic processes—deposition of sand, wave erosion planing down rock outcrops, etc.

Will dry rock turn into live rock?

Will dry rock ever become live rock? The main thing that makes rock “live” is the population of live bacteria which filters your tank for you. This type of bacteria will populate on its own, and in fact, there’s nothing you can do to prevent this from happening.

Is live rock necessary in a saltwater aquarium?

Live rock is an essential part of any saltwater or reef tank but you do not necessarily have to spend a small fortune to buy it. By making your own live rock you can save money and you can completely customize it to suit the needs of your fish and your particular tank.

What kind of rock to use in a reef Saver tank?

Reef Saver Aquarium Dry Live Rock. It is recommended to cure all rock before being used in an established system. Marco’s Reef Saver rock is one of the easiest rocks to work with when aquascaping new tanks or adding more rock to an established tank. MarcoRocks Reef Saver Dry Aquarium Live Rock, the environmentally friendly rock,…

How much dry live rock do you need for reef Saver?

Knowing exactly how much Dry Live Rock you will need can be one of the hardest questions to answer since every tank and rock will be slightly different. A general guideline for Reef Saver Dry Live Rock, we suggest 3/4 to 1 pound of rock per gallon of display tank volume and may vary depending on your overall goal for the aquascape.

Is the marcorock reef Saver live rock sustainable?

MarcoRocks Reef Saver Live Rock is one of the most unique rocks that are available on the market today. Reef Saver is a sustainable product since it is not taken directly from the ocean and does not impact living coral reef structures in any form.

How does reef Saver Help the coral reef?

Reef Saver is a sustainable product since it is not taken directly from the ocean and does not impact living coral reef structures in any form. Combined with their chemical-free cleaning process MarcoRocks is always 100% free of nuisance algae or any type of pests.

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