What are the dimensions for Facebook cover photo?

What are the dimensions for Facebook cover photo?

851px by 315px
The ideal image size for your Facebook cover photo is 851px by 315px. For best results, make sure your image is JPG format, with RGB color, and less than 100 KB. Facebook will automatically format your photo to fit the cover photo slot, so if it’s not sized correctly, you might experience some distortion.

What is Facebook cover photo size in inches?

Facebook banner size in inches Profile picture – 170 x 170 pixels – 1.77 x 1.77 inch. Cover banner/Business page banner – 820 x 360 pixels – 8.54 x 3.75 inch.

How do I make my Facebook cover photo fit perfectly?

To resize for Facebook, start by choosing a collage type. Then, in the editor, click Edit to select your photo. Next, click the Aspect tool and scroll until you find the Facebook cover size. When you’re done, export your photo to Facebook.

What size is the Facebook circle?

On modern smartphones, it displays as a circle with 128 pixels diameter. On older phones, it displays at 36 pixels diameter.

What is the best photo size for Facebook?

1,200 x 628 pixels
Best image sizes for Facebook The Facebook recommended image size for sharing images and sharing links with an image is 1,200 x 628 pixels. Whether you’re sharing landscape, portrait, or square images, Facebook will resize it to 500 pixels wide and scale the height accordingly.

What is the best size for a Facebook banner?

820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall
Choosing the Right Facebook Cover Photo Size. The Facebook cover photo size is 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall on desktop. However, mobile users will see 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall. The correct Facebook cover photo size is the first step to portraying the right image on social media.

What is 1920×1080 in inches?

a 19 inch 1280×1024 pixel LCD screen shows it as 5.8 inches wide. a 20 inch 1680×1050 pixel LCD screen shows it as 5 inches wide. a 23 inch 1920×1080 pixel LCD screen (110% text size) shows it as 5.75 inches wide.

How many inches is 960 pixels?

Pixels to Inches Conversion Table

960px 10inches
1008px 10.5inches
1056px 11inches
1122.24px 11.69inches

What is Facebook cover photo aspect ratio?

Your Page’s cover photo: Displays at 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall on your Page on computers and 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall on smartphones. Must be at least 400 pixels wide and 150 pixels tall.

What is the best resolution for a Facebook cover photo?

According to Facebook, your cover photo is displayed at 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall on your Page on desktops and 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall on smartphones. But if you want to use a single image that works pretty well on both desktop and mobile, 820 pixels wide by 462 pixels tall seems to be the best.

What is Facebook cover photo?

A cover photo is the larger photo at the top of your profile, above your profile picture. Like your profile picture, cover photos are public, which means anyone visiting your profile will be able to see them.

What aspect ratio is best for Facebook?

Facebook recommends uploading video with square (1:1) or vertical (4:5, 9:16 and 16:9) aspect ratios, to maximize compatibility on both desktop and mobile screens. The platform also recommends keeping videos short (15 seconds or less) and designing videos that work with and without sound (by enabling captions).

How big is the cover photo on Facebook?

The Facebook cover photo size is 820 pixels wide by 312 pixels tall on desktop. However, mobile users will see 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall . The correct Facebook cover photo size is the first step to portraying the right image on social media.

How big is a Facebook profile photo in pixels?

Facebook Pages: Cover Photo — 720 x 312 pixels. Profile Photo — 320 x 320 pixels. App Images — 111 x 74 pixels. News Feed Images — Width of 504 pixels; recommended size of 1,200 x 628 pixels.

What are the dimensions of a Facebook page?

Facebook Page Like Ad images: Desktop: 1200 x 444 pixels Sidebar: 254 x 94 pixels Mobile: 560 x 208 pixels

How big should a Facebook event photo be?

If you’re hosting an event on Facebook, you’ll want to utilize their cover photo as well. An event cover photo displays at 500px by 262px on standard displays. For the best result, however, you can double those dimensions to be 1000px by 524px to ensure that the photo looks great on all screen resolutions.

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