What temperature is too cold for cyclamen?

What temperature is too cold for cyclamen?

at night, your cyclamen will start to die slowly. Temperatures that are too high will cause the plant to begin to yellow, and the flowers will fade rapidly. Cyclamen that are sold as houseplants are tropical and cannot tolerate temperatures below 40 degrees F. (4 C.).

What temperature do cyclamen like?

Just as they do in nature, cyclamen prefer cool temperatures when grown indoors. Hot, dry temperatures will cause the foliage to yellow and shorten bloom time. Keep them in a room that has daytime temperatures of about 68 degrees F and between 40 and 50 degrees F at night.

How cold hardy are cyclamen?

Unlike florist’s cyclamen that grows outdoors only in warm climates, hardy cyclamen tolerates cold climates and freezing winters. However, this cool climate plant doesn’t survive where summers are hot and dry. Hardy cyclamen grows in nearly any type of loose, well-drained soil.

What conditions do outdoor cyclamen like?

They appreciate partial shade and fairly well-drained, reasonably fertile soil. Mulch once a year with leaf mould – or bark chips are good in frost prone areas. Cyclamen make lovely winter houseplants.

Can cyclamen withstand frost?

They are fairly hardy and can tolerate frost down to about -3 to -4C (24 – 26F). They need an open free draining soil as they rot if left to sit in wet soil, so it would be a good idea to incorporate some grit before planting.

Is cyclamen an outdoor plant?

Outdoors. They can be used in hanging baskets and containers or planted into the ground. They don’t like heavy rain and strong winds so would appreciate a sheltered site in dappled shade with dry soil. They are fairly hardy and can tolerate frost down to about -3 to -4C (24 – 26F).

Does cyclamen like cold weather?

While they prefer cool weather and actually bloom in the winter, cyclamen plants can’t tolerate temperatures below freezing. This means that if you live in a cold winter environment and want your plants to make it past their dormant summer period, your only options are growing them in a greenhouse or in pots.

What should the temperature be for a cyclamen plant?

Temperatures that are too high will cause the plant to begin to yellow, and the flowers will fade rapidly. Cyclamen that are sold as houseplants are tropical and cannot tolerate temperatures below 40 degrees F. (4 C.).

When is the best time to rebloom a cyclamen?

Reblooming Cyclamen. Continue to water it regularly and fertilize it monthly with a liquid houseplant fertilizer. Keep the cyclamen in a location with 50 °F night temperatures and 60 to 65 °F day temperatures. With proper light, adequate moisture and cool temperatures, cyclamens will rebloom by mid-winter.

When to move a cyclamen to full sun?

In mid-September, when new leaves start to grow, move the plant to a bright (full sun) location and water the soil thoroughly. Continue to water it regularly and fertilize it monthly with a liquid houseplant fertilizer. Keep the cyclamen in a location with 50 °F night temperatures and 60 to 65 °F day temperatures.

When do cyclamens start to bloom in the garden?

Flowering Cyclamen plants start showing up for sale as houseplants around winter holiday season. With flowers in shades of pink, red, or white, you can find them blooming on shelves in garden centers and even grocery stores. Even the foliage is attractive, often having silver marbling on the top sides of the leaves.

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