How do you spell Chatoyancy?

How do you spell Chatoyancy?

In gemology, chatoyancy (/ʃəˈtɔɪ. ənsi/ shə-TOY-ən-see), or chatoyance or cat’s eye effect, is an optical reflectance effect seen in certain gemstones, woods, and carbon fibre.

What does Wafture mean?

the act of waving
: the act of waving or a wavelike motion.

What is the difference between Chatoyancy and asterism?

The name Chatoyancy coming from the French to mean a cat’s eye is when a parallel ray, that bares resemblance to the slit in a cat’s eye, is seen on the surface of the stone. When the stone shows four or more ray this is known as asterism or a star.

What causes Chatoyancy?

What Causes Chatoyancy? Chatoyancy occurs when a band of light is reflected from a series of thin inclusions which are parallel to each other (these may be hollow tubes or needle-like crystals of, for example, rutile or haematite).

What color is chatoyancy?

greenish yellow
It has greenish yellow color that makes it even more similar to feline eyes. Chatoyancy is traditionally attributed to tiny needles of exsolution rutile, although other mineral species can be also involved. These inclusions are so thin that they are not distinguishable to the naked eye and even through 10x loupe.

What’s the meaning of Fugacious?

: lasting a short time : evanescent.

What is the mean by the word rheumy?

If something’s rheumy, it’s moist and watery. Your dog may look spry and healthy, but his gray snout and rheumy eyes give away his age. This adjective almost always describes the damp eyes of a person or animal.

What is the difference between labradorite and Spectrolite?

Spectrolite is a form of labradorite only found in Finland. Both labradorites and spectrolites have dark base colors, but labradorite’s base is more transparent and spectrolite’s is more opaque. Other than that, origin is the primary differentiation between the two.

Is Moonstone a Chatoyant?

Moonstone bodycolors vary widely. They can be green, yellow to brown, or gray to nearly black. Along with adularescence, some moonstones show chatoyancy, also called the cat’s-eye effect.

What color is Chatoyancy?

What causes chatoyancy in Moonstone?

Moonstone cat’s eye chatoyancy Cat’s eye arises either from the fibrous structure of a material, as in tiger’s eye quartz, or from fibrous inclusions or cavities within the stone, as in cat’s eye chrysoberyl. The precipitates that cause chatoyancy in chrysoberyl are the mineral needles.

What is the meaning of the word chatoyant?

cha·toy′an·cy n. chatoyancy. the condition or quality of changing in color or luster depending on the angle of light, especially of a gemstone that reflects a single shaft of light when cut in cabochon form. — chatoyant, adj.

What do you mean by chatoyance in wood?

Chatoyance is most often considered a desirable effect, and can be enhanced or diminished during the finishing process. There are any number of recipes for maximizing the chatoyance of a finished piece of wood.

What’s the name of the material that displays chatoyancy?

Glass optical cable can also display chatoyancy if properly cut, and has become a popular decorative material in a variety of vivid colors. The term “cat’s eye”, when used by itself as the name of a gemstone, refers to a cat’s eye chrysoberyl.

What kind of light does chatoyant quartz show?

The best finished specimens show a single sharply defined band of light that moves across the stone when it is rotated. Chatoyant stones of lesser quality display a banded effect as is typical with cat’s-eye varieties of quartz. Faceted stones do not show the effect well.

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