How can I check my ration card status in Delhi?

How can I check my ration card status in Delhi?

Step 1- Visit the Official Website Delhi Ration Card i.e. official website. Step 2- On Homepage, go to the “Citizen’s Corner”. Step 3- Click on “Track Food Security Application” option. Step 4- Enter Aadhar number, NFS application ID/ online citizen ID, new ration card no, old ration card number.

How do I check the status of my national food security card?

Visit the official website of Food, Civil Supplies, and Consumer Affairs department ( Click on the E-services tab. Scroll to ‘E-status’ Select ‘Status of the new/defending ration card’

How can I check my ration card status online?

How to Check Ration Card Application status

  1. You can check the status of your ration card by visiting the official website of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department of the state.
  2. Generally, under E-services on the website, you will find the option of checking the status of your ration card application status.

How can I download e ration card?

Download E Ration Card

  1. Go to the official website of the food and supplies department, Government of West Bengal.
  2. The home page will open before you.
  3. On the homepage, you are required to click on ration card under the service section.
  4. After that, you have to click on E-Ration Card.

How can I add my name in ration card?

Ration card update: How to add names online

  1. First, go to the official site of your state’s food supply.
  2. Now you have to create a login ID, if you already have an ID, then log in with it.
  3. On the home page, the option to add a new member will appear.
  4. After clicking on it, now a new form will appear in front of you.

How can I add my name in ration card online in Delhi?

First you need to login to the ration card website of Delhi state. If you do not have login credentials, you need to sign up first. You will get the option to add family names to the website. You have to fill it with correct details as incorrect details can lead to rejection of your application.

How can I check my ration card status in Maharashtra?

Website : State Food Department Website Ration Card Management System

How can I download ration card in Delhi?

How to Download Delhi Ration Card?

  1. Visit the official website of the Department of Food, Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Delhi Government.
  2. Check the section of “Citizen Corner” section on the homepage.
  3. Click on the generate e-card option.

How can I add my name in ration card in Delhi?

Required Documents[edit]

  1. Application form.
  2. Original ration card.
  3. additional members or persons name to be added/removed.
  4. Proof of residence.
  5. Local Certificate / Election Card / PAN / Driving license / Passport.
  6. Proof of Date of Birth(Birth Certificate/X Pass Certificate/declared/other)

Can I add name in ration card online?

Beneficiary can add new name in existing ration card by filling this form. Beneficiary can download the online form and submit it with necessary documents to near Zonal / Mamlatdar office.

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