What episode of Regular Show is the Basketball episode?

What episode of Regular Show is the Basketball episode?

Slam Dunk
Written & “Slam Dunk” is the sixth episode of season three (and forty-sixth episode overall) of Regular Show.

Who played the Basketball guy in Regular Show?

actor Carl Weathers
He is voiced by veteran actor Carl Weathers who is best known from the movie series Rocky. This was his very first animated television series voice-over role.

Who is Basketball god?

Michael Jordan is known as the God of Basketball.

Is Gary from Regular Show based on David Bowie?

Like Ziggy, his character is a tribute to David Bowie who died on January 10, 2016. He bears a strong resemblance to Bowie. In addition, his name “Gareth” seems to be a pun with Jareth, a movie character portrayed by Bowie himself.

How do you become a basketball god?

To become a basketball god, you need to dedicate your self to the game of basketball. Your basketball should be your best friend. You should start shooting hoops by age 3. You also should be a natural runner, such as being able to run a 6 minute mile, by age 8.

Who was the goat in Basketball?

Earl Manigault (September 7, 1944 – May 15, 1998) was an American street basketball player who was nicknamed “the goat”….

Earl Manigault
Born September 7, 1944 Charleston, South Carolina, U.S.
Died May 15, 1998 (aged 53) New York City, New York, U.S.
Nationality American
Other names The Lip

Who created the crossover?

Tim Hardaway
Oscar Robertson was known to do the move as early as the 1960s as well as Dwayne Washington while playing for Syracuse during the early 1980s, but Tim Hardaway is credited for popularizing the killer crossover in the NBA, while Allen Iverson and Steve Francis popularized the double crossover.

Who is Antipops?

Anti-Pops, a.k.a. “He Who will Erase Us” and real name Malum Kranus is the main antagonist of Regular Show. He is also the last and most powerful villain and he made his first debut in the Season Eight episode “The Dream Warrior”. He later made a full appearance in “Space Escape”.

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