What is the praetor peregrinus?

What is the praetor peregrinus?

also pre·tor (prē′tər) An annually elected magistrate of the ancient Roman Republic, ranking below but having approximately the same functions as a consul.

What was the role of praetor peregrinus?

In 242 B.C. two praetors were appointed, the urban praetor (praetor urbanus), deciding cases to which citizens were parties, and the peregrine praetor (praetor peregrinus) deciding cases between foreigners. A principal duty of praetors was the production of the public games.

What is the job of a praetor?

praetor, plural Praetors, or Praetores, in ancient Rome, a judicial officer who had broad authority in cases of equity, was responsible for the production of the public games, and, in the absence of consuls, exercised extensive authority in the government.

What is another name for praetor?

Praetor Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for praetor?

provost seneschal
Lord Provost burgomaster
boroughmaster mayor
lady mayor

What is the difference between Consul and praetor?

Originally, consuls were called praetors (“leader”), referring to their duties as the chief military commanders. Consuls had extensive powers in peacetime (administrative, legislative, and judicial), and in wartime often held the highest military command.

Why was praetor created?

The first praetor specially so called was appointed in the year B.C. 356, and he was chosen only from the Patricians, who had this new office created as a kind of indemnification to themselves for being compelled to share the consulship with the Plebeians (Liv. VI.

Who was the first praetor?

In 242, a second praetor was introduced, the praetor peregrinus, who was responsible for Italy. The first praetor, the praetor urbanus, stayed in Rome. In 227, two additional praetors were introduced: they were responsible for the provinces of Sicily and Sardinia/Corsica.

What is another word for Tribune?

What is another word for tribune?

plebeian tribune tribunus plebis
tribune of the people tribune of the plebs

What is a good sentence for Tribune?

He promised to refurbish the altar and surrounding tribune, provided that he might include the coat of arms of his family and otherwise decorate that space as he saw fit. We are here as the people’s tribunes. If we do not do that, we are not worthy to be tribunes of the people who put us here.

What tribune means?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a Roman official under the monarchy and the republic with the function of protecting the plebeian citizen from arbitrary action by the patrician magistrates. 2 : an unofficial defender of the rights of the individual. tribune.

What did the praetor peregrinus do in ancient Rome?

The praetor peregrinus was a similar office to praetor urbanus, except in this case he would deal with legal disputes between citizens and non-citizens, or foreigners. This came about as the Republic’s territories began to expand in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC.

Where did the word praetor come from in ancient Rome?

He believed the word derived from the Latin verb Praeire which means ‘to go before’, although in exactly what sense remains unknown. It is believed that the position of the praetor was founded after the consuls lost their judicial and legal powers, which where then transferred to the praetor.

Why was Peregrinus ius civile and ius honorarium put together?

Praetor Urbanus did become more aware of this and began to work alongside Peregrinus Ius civile and ius honorarium were then put together because it is never good to have 2 legal systems running alongside one another Loading… You are commenting using your WordPress.com account.

What did peregrinus mean by Remedy of possession?

Peregrinus recognised this as unjust and so he declared that he could grant a remedy (remedy of possession) meaning that she could not own the property, but could possess it. “ Bonorum possessio ” –> foreigners could not own land or property and so he put this remedy in place for the non-citizens.

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