How far is Sydney to Brisbane by plane?

How far is Sydney to Brisbane by plane?

754 km
Quick flight facts

Origin Sydney (SYD)
Destination Brisbane (BNE)
Flight time 1 hour and 35mins
Distance 754 km

How long does it take to fly to Brisbane to Sydney?

How long does it take to fly from Brisbane to Sydney? Non-stop flight time from Brisbane to Sydney is around 1 hour 45 minutes. Fastest one-stop flight between Brisbane and Sydney takes close to 3 hours .

How long is the flight from Sydney to Queensland?

2 hours 35 minutes
Average direct flight time is 2 hours 35 minutes. The fastest direct flight from Sydney to Queensland is 2 hours 35 minutes.

How much is flight from Sydney to Brisbane?

Route information for flights from Sydney to Brisbane

Cheapest one-way price for the current month from $109
Cheapest one-way price over next 6 months from $74
Cheapest month February 2022
Most expensive month November 2021
Average flight time 1h 30m

Can you catch the train from Sydney to Brisbane?

Is there a direct train between Sydney and Brisbane? Yes, there is a direct train departing from Central Station station and arriving at Brisbane. Services depart twice daily, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 14h 12m.

Can I catch a train from Sydney to Canberra?

Is there a direct train between Sydney and Canberra? Yes, there is a direct train departing from Central Station station and arriving at Canberra Station station. Services depart every four hours, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 4h 8m.

Can I fly from Sydney to Queensland?

No. Queensland residents can only enter the border zone for an essential purpose. No, you are not allowed to travel to a restricted area of New South Wales outside the non-restricted border zone and enter Queensland..

Can you catch a train from Sydney to Brisbane?

Sydney to Brisbane NSW Trainlink’s Brisbane XPT train runs once each day from Sydney Central station to Brisbane Roma Street station. The train departs Sydney each afternoon, travels overnight then arrives in Brisbane very early the following morning. The journey takes about fourteen hours.

Do you have to quarantine from Sydney to Brisbane?

If you go outside the New South Wales border zone (or any other COVID-19 hotspot), you will not be able to re-enter Queensland via road and will have to quarantine for 14 days in government arranged accommodation at your own expense when you come home by air..

Can you catch a plane from Sydney to Brisbane?

The average time for your flight from Sydney to Brisbane is 1 hour and 30 minutes.

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