How many pounds of alfalfa seed do you plant per acre?

How many pounds of alfalfa seed do you plant per acre?

Seeding rates should be between 12 and 15 pounds per acre. Prescribed seeding rates are designed to provide several times the seed needed to achieve optimal yield under ideal growing conditions.

What is the yield of alfalfa per acre?

The average total yield is 20-35 tons per hectare (or 8-14 tons per acre) per year (distributed in 5-6 cuts). Top yields (intensive farming) can exceed 40 tons per hectare or 16 tons per acre per year. You can enrich this article by leaving a comment or photo of your alfalfa harvesting methods and yields.

How do you grow dryland alfalfa?


  1. Planting Time: Early Spring: After hard freezing conditions have ended. Late Summer/Early Fall: Allow 4-6 weeks of growth before the first hard frost.
  2. Seeding Rate: Good Soil, Adequate Moisture – 15-20 lbs./acre.
  3. Ideal Seed Depth: ½” Alfalfa should be drilled into a firm seedbed or broadcasted and packed.

Does alfalfa grow well in sandy soil?

“The ideal soils for growing alfalfa are sandy loam, silt loam and clay loam. Alfalfa requires high pH soils, ranging from 6.5 to 7. Soils with a pH lower than 6.5 aren’t well suited for alfalfa. Moreover, poorly drained soils are a major challenge for alfalfa.

How much does Roundup Ready alfalfa seed cost?

With Roundup Ready alfalfa seed costing about $8/lb, growers may be looking for ways to reduce establishment costs. Fortunately, the seed itself can provide much of that help.

How do you maximize alfalfa yield?

A soil pH level of 6.7 to 6.9 should be maintained to maximize yield and quality potential. The key nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur. Nitrogen can help increase stand establishment and potential yield in the seeding year. Phosphorus encourages good root growth during stand establishment.

How much does it cost to seed 1 acre of alfalfa?

Alfalfa has to be planted at around 25 pounds per acre if I remember correctly. A 50 pound bag of seed is around $200 last I heard a few years back, so $100 an acre just for seed. Probably $120-150 per acre including tillage costs.

Is alfalfa hay profitable?

Alfalfa farmers are on their second hay cutting in California’s Central Valley. Alfalfa hay fields are cut from four to ten times a season, averaging about seven tons per acre per year. It’s a profitable crop these days, with prices for high quality hay frequently reaching $250/ton.

Is alfalfa annual or perennial?

Alfalfa is a perennial – it is planted in the spring or fall and then harvested for many years. The seedbed is usually prepared finely to cover the seed, but some growers seed alfalfa without tillage, directly into stubble. Alfalfa seed must be planted close to the soil surface since it is very small (1-2 mm).

Can you eat summer alfalfa?

Rinse both store-bought or home-grown sprouts thoroughly before using them. Fresh alfalfa sprouts are a delicious addition to sandwiches and salads. They can also be used in summer rolls or as a garnish for soups or tacos.

Will alfalfa reseed itself?

Alfalfa is a crop that naturally tends to lessen its density over time because alfalfa doesn’t reseed itself. If population density is very low then a grower could consider planting a new field or interseeding with other species/grasses to improve the current crop.

What kind of alfalfa is best for dryland?

Ladak II Alfalfa is specially bred for rangeland and dryland pastures. The superior choice for dryland applications. It is commonly used in rangeland mixes. Performs very well in harsh soils and adverse conditions.

When to use Ladak 2 alfalfa for pasture?

Ladak 2 alfalfa is the superior choice for dryland applications. It is commonly used in grass mixes to improve pasture applications. Performs very well in harsh soils and adverse conditions.

What can alfalfa sprouts be used for in a salad?

Alfalfa is grown for hay, silage, haylage, pasture, seed, and cosmetics. Fresh alfalfa sprouts are eaten in salads. The crop is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, and it is a source of nectar for honeybees. Alfalfa grown under dryland conditions normally is used for hay or pasture (grazing).

What’s the best depth to plant alfalfa in Montana?

Recommended planting depths are 0.25 to 0.5 inch. Plant at 0.25 inch deep when seeding on fine-textured soils and at 0.5 inch when seeding on sandy soils. In Montana, growers plant alfalfa up to 1 inch deep on sandy dryland soils. Some growers plant alfalfa with a com- panion or “nurse” crop like spring oats.

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