When is mold season in Texas?

When is mold season in Texas?

Many people develop allergic problems after living in central Texas for a period of time. The mild climate and high humidity in Austin cause high levels of pollens and molds throughout much of the year, and cedar pollen from December through February can be especially severe.

Why are allergies so bad in Austin right now?

Fall. Ragweed is the primary allergy culprit during the fall here in Central Texas, and it’s as nasty as it sounds. This common roadside weed can spread up to 1 billion pollen grains 400 miles out to sea and two miles up in the atmosphere, although most grains fall close to its source.

Are mold allergies year round?

Allergic symptoms from fungus spores are most common from July to early fall. But fungi grow in many places, both indoors and outside, so allergic reactions can occur year round. Although there are many types of molds, only a few dozen cause allergic reactions.

What allergy season is it in Austin?

While many areas of the country experience an allergy reprieve in the winter, Austin has its worst allergy season December through February thanks to the infamous mountain cedar tree.

What are the worst months for allergies in Texas?

Worst Seasons for Allergies

  • September, February-March: Fall Elm.
  • Winter months: Mountain Cedar.
  • Spring months: Ash, Mulberry, Sycamore, Willow.
  • March – April: Oak.
  • April: Pecan.

Why are my allergies so bad this year in Texas?

The main reason is due to the temperate climate. Plants in Texas only endure occasional periods of freeze, if any. This allows plants to pollinate all times of the year – even winter. The winter is what really sets Texas apart from other areas in terms of bad allergies.

How do I know if Im allergic to mold?

Signs and symptoms of allergic rhinitis caused by a mold allergy can include:

  1. Sneezing.
  2. Runny or stuffy nose.
  3. Cough and postnasal drip.
  4. Itchy eyes, nose and throat.
  5. Watery eyes.
  6. Dry, scaly skin.

How do you fix mold allergies?


  1. Nasal corticosteroids. These nasal sprays help prevent and treat the inflammation caused by an upper respiratory mold allergy.
  2. Antihistamines. These medications can help with itching, sneezing and runny nose.
  3. Oral decongestants.
  4. Decongestant nasal sprays.
  5. Montelukast.

How do I know if mold is making me sick?

Symptoms of mold exposure may include headache, sore throat, runny nose, coughing, sneezing, watery eyes and fatigue. In those with asthma, asthma attacks can occur. In those with impaired immune systems, serious infection can occur.

Is it allergy season in Texas right now?

In most cases, this means early spring, but it may differ depending on where you are located, and seasons can vary from year to year. Below are peak blooming/allergy seasons for trees common in and around Texas: September, February-March: Fall Elm.

What does mold poisoning feel like?

If they come into contact with mold, they may experience symptoms, such as: a runny or blocked nose. watery, red eyes. a dry cough.

How does mold cause allergic reactions?

Mold reproduces by creating tiny spores that are carried through the air . When you breathe in these spores, they can trigger an allergic reaction, meaning your immune system overreacts. This overreaction leads to the production of antibodies, inflammation, and a variety of nonspecific symptoms that can include a rash .

Can you get an allergic reaction to mold?

Having a family history of allergies. If allergies and asthma run in your family,you’re more likely to develop a mold allergy.

  • Working in an occupation that exposes you to mold.
  • Living in a house with high humidity.
  • Working or living in a building that’s been exposed to excess moisture.
  • Living in a house with poor ventilation.
  • Are You allergic to mold?

    Yes, you could be allergic to mold! Allergies cause our immune system to exhibit symptoms such as sneezing, wheezing, itching, and crying. These symptoms can affect our breathing, confidence, alertness, and quality of sleep.

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