Was 2013 a good year for WWE?

Was 2013 a good year for WWE?

Well, 2013 is now in the history books, and it is safe to say that it was a pretty good year for the WWE. Granted, I still think 2012 was a slightly better year for them, but from an in-ring standpoint, 2013 was filled with marvelous matches and that will not be soon forgotten.

What is the best wrestling match ever?

The King of all Wrestling Debates: Top 25 Matches of All-Time

  • The Undertaker vs.
  • Triple H vs.
  • Triple H vs.
  • The Rock vs.
  • Hulk Hogan vs.
  • Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka (ECW Heatwave ’98-ECW Title)
  • Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin (Survivor Series ’96)
  • The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin (Wrestlemania 15-WWE Title)

Who is the best wrestler in 2013?

This slideshow will rank the top 13 Superstars of 2013 based both on their level of success and quality of their performances.

  • Bray Wyatt. 1 of 10.
  • Big E Langston. 2 of 10.
  • Damien Sandow. 3 of 10.
  • John Cena. 4 of 10.
  • and 9. Cody Rhodes and Goldust.
  • Dolph Ziggler. 6 of 10.
  • Randy Orton. 7 of 10.
  • CM Punk. 9 of 10.

What is the most brutal wrestling match?

Sergeant Slaughter vs. Slaughter and Sheik both were covered in blood from the battle, with the ring filled with weapons and trash. It was the most violent match of that generation, and stands as the WWE’s most bloody wrestling match.

What was the longest WWE match ever?

Bruno Sammartino vs. Waldo Von Erich (May 11, 1964) holds the record for longest singles match in WWE history. After 81 minutes, the match ended in a draw due to curfew. What a bummer, huh?

Who is No 1 wrestler in WWE 2012?

1. CM Punk. CM Punk loves to proclaim that he is “The Best in the World.” In 2012, it would be hard to argue with the WWE Champion. He held the title throughout the year, and had great matches with the likes of John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho and Ryback along the way.

What is a dark match in wrestling?

dark match. A non-televised match at a televised show (compare house show). A dark match before the show is often used to test new talent or warm up the crowd.

Is Triple H best wrestler?

Triple H Has Been Named The Most Over-Rated Wrestler Of All-Time (Top 25 List) Triple H is one of the biggest names in professional wrestling, not just in the past fifteen years, but of all time.

What is the shortest WWE match?

Rowan (6 seconds) At WrestleMania 32, the fans erupted as The Rock announced an impromptu match against The Wyatt Family’s Rowan. After a Rock Bottom, he beat Rowan in 6 seconds, setting the record for shortest match in WrestleMania history. WWE announced it as lasting 6 seconds, and my stopwatch agrees with them.

Where do I get my wrestling match ratings from?

All below match ratings come from Dave Meltzer of the highly respected Wrestling Observer Newsletter. Please note that this list only reflects matches entered into the database already and is therefore not necessarily a complete list.

Who was the WWE Champion at WrestleMania 3?

At WrestleMania III, the 15-year undefeated Andre the Giant stepped over the top rope to face WWE Champion Hulk Hogan in front of more than 93,000 members of the WWE Universe. But, in a twist nobody saw coming, The Eighth Wonder of the World ultimately found himself on the receiving end of a slam that instantly cemented the match in WWE history.

Who was a good wrestler against a paper bag?

Luger was a bronzed god who couldn’t wrestle his way out of a paper bag, while Flair was the type of preternatural genius who could have a good match against a paper bag. But don’t dismiss this WrestleWar 1990 main event as another night of “The Nature Boy” dragging an outmatched opponent to the Promised Land.

What’s the name of the six man tag in WWE?

Once upon a time, a small organization based in northeast Japan so perfected its intricate and high-flying take on the three-on-three match format that it birthed a genre unto itself called the Michinoku Pro Six-Man Tag.

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