What fish can live with janitor fish?

What fish can live with janitor fish?

Other catfish and koi can normally live with janitor fish as long as you don’t have too many of them and they aren’t too different in size. When they start to compete for resources or look small enough to be a snack, other fish could be swallowed by janitor fish.

How long do janitor fish live without water?

Pterygoplichthys are known for being kept out of water and sold alive in fish markets, surviving up to 30 hours out of water.

Do janitor fish eat other fish?

Though janitor fish are known more as scavengers than predators, they do eat some small local fish and eggs.

Is janitor fish bad?

Guerrero III said that the “janitor fish” is harmless to man and feeds only on algae and small crustaceans. It added that its spines are not poisonous and its flesh is edible. Scientiffically called Hypostomus plecostomus, the fish is an imported species of freshwater catfish native to South America.

Does janitor fish eat poop?

Even catfish, plecos, or shrimp do not eat fish poop. The only way to remove fish poop is to use a gravel vacuum and remove it manually. But do not get disappointed. There are definitely ways to reduce maintenance on your aquarium.

Can janitor fish live in aquarium?

Janitor fish tend to have serene overall dispositions, even though they’re biggish in size. They generally make easygoing additions to aquarium tanks — as long as they are the sole representatives of their species.

Do I need to feed my janitor fish?

Feeding Characteristics Some of the foods that are commonly fed to janitor fish in captivity are algae wafers, veggie flakes, romaine lettuce, cucumbers, peas and zucchini. Although janitor fish have strong herbivorous tendencies, they also are often willing to eat flesh such as tubifex worms and brine shrimp.

How big can janitor fish be?

between 18 inches and 2 feet
Size-wise, janitor fish generally achieve lengths of between 18 inches and 2 feet. Janitor fish in nature tend toward the larger sizes, while captive specimens are usually a little smaller.

Can janitor fish live with goldfish?

EXPLANATION: It is advised that we cannot combine a janitor fish and goldfish in a same aquarium. This is because, Janitor fishes are usually a tropical type. And one should not mix cold water fish like Goldfish with tropical water fish (Janitor).

Is janitor fish good for goldfish?

Janitor fishes are usually a tropical type. And one should not mix cold water fish like Goldfish with tropical water fish (Janitor). EXPLANATION: It is advised that we cannot combine a janitor fish and goldfish in a same aquarium.

Do fishes fart?

Most fish do use air to inflate and deflate their bladder to maintain buoyancy which is expelled either through their mouth or gills which can be mistaken for a fart. Experts say that the digestive gases of fish are consolidated with their feces and expelled in gelatinous tubes which fish sometimes eat again (eew…

Is there such a thing as a janitor fish?

There is no such thing as a janitor fish. There ARE fish that live on the bottom, and there is a pet industry that tells you they are ‘janitors’. We live on the ground, and we don’t eat bird wastes and leftovers. It’s the same with fish.

What’s the average life span of a fish?

However, in general, smaller fish have a shorter lifespan than larger fish, and fish that lay eggs live longer than those that give birth to live young. The two most popular species of fish—bettas and goldfish—are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Bettas on average live little more than two years, while goldfish may live for decades.

What kind of fish live the longest in an aquarium?

They are perhaps the best example of how poor habitat and care shortens the lifespan of aquarium fish. The majority of goldfish are not properly cared for and as a result, live only a few years. Other fish that live longer include loaches, such as the clown loach and weather loach, which often live 10 to 15 years.

How long does a fancy goldfish live in a tank?

Those species often only live for about five years. In general, Fancy Goldfish are far less hardy than Common Goldfish. They’re more sensitive to changes in water quality, which can lead to a host of problems for those who are less-than-dedicated to maintaining the tank. Common Goldfish are bred to live between 12 and 14 years.

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