How can I translate a story in English?

How can I translate a story in English?

Use the options menu (“•••”) on the story you wish to translate. There you can click on Translate, which will work the same way as in the translation from the Story Editor outlined above.

What is the Hindi word for stories?

noun. उपकथा नाटक की कथा का आधार उपन्यास का कथानक

How can I download Hindi to English?

5 Best Hindi to English Translation Apps for android/iOS

  1. Google Translate. Pros of Google Translate.
  2. Hindi-English Translator App. Pros of Hindi-English Translator App.
  3. Hi Translate -Language Translator App Hindi to English. Pros of Hi Translate.
  4. Microsoft Translator.
  5. Tranit – English Hindi Translation App.

When our love story began Hindi meaning?

कहानी शुरू होती है Last Update: 2021-09-03. Usage Frequency: 1.

How do I get translations on my Instagram stories?

If Instagram detects the text is in a foreign language from your primary language, you’ll see a banner pop up that says “See Translation” in the upper left corner. Simply tap that message, and a translation will come up for the text that’s on that Story post.

How do you translate on Instagram stories?

Instagram says, “When you’re watching a story with text, you’ll get a ‘See Translation’ notice if your set language is different than the one in the story. Just tap it and a translation will pop up”.

Which app is best for converting Hindi to English?

5 Best apps for English to Hindi or Hindi to English translation

  1. Google Translate. You can also use the Google Translate app on your Android mobile phone or iPhone to translate English to Hindi or the other way around.
  2. Hi Translate.
  3. Microsoft Translator.
  4. Translate Now.
  5. Translate Hindi to English.

What do you call a love story?


  • ballad.
  • fairy tale.
  • fantasy.
  • fiction.
  • idealization.
  • idyll.
  • legend.
  • love story.

What is a love story?

countable noun. A love story is something such as a novel or movie about a love affair.

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