Is Hyjal a Cataclysm?

Is Hyjal a Cataclysm?

Mount Hyjal is a region of Cataclysm, and a mountain located in Northern Kalimdor. Hyjal is under heavy siege by Ragnaros, who is trying to destroy the World Tree located in the mountain’s summit, Nordrassil.

What are the Cataclysm zones?

Cataclysm returns players to the two continents of Azeroth for most of their campaigning, after years away in Outland and Northrend, opening new zones such as Mount Hyjal, the sunken world of Vashj’ir, Deepholm, Uldum and the Twilight Highlands.

What level is Cataclysm?

Start Cataclysm (lvl 120)-Alliance.

When was Cataclysm announced?

On October 4, 2010 Blizzard officially announced the release of Cataclysm for December 7, 2010. The expansion was made available as Standard Edition, Collectors Edition and as a new digital download from the Blizzard Online Store.

When did cataclysm come out?

December 7, 2010
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm/Initial release dates

Where is the Battle of Mount Hyjal located?

For the Caverns of Time raid, see Battle of Mount Hyjal. Mount Hyjal is a contested zone opened up for general access in the Cataclysm expansion. Hyjal is under heavy siege by Ragnaros, who is trying to destroy the World Tree, Nordrassil.

Where to find Hyjal in World of Warcraft?

The quest line in Hyjal is intensively phased and takes players from Nordrassil to the four shrines to Darkwhisper Gorge and finally to Sulfuron Spire. Hyjal is one of the few non-starting-experience zones that has a phased zone map as well as phased terrain, unlocked halfway through the storyline.

Who are the night elves on Mount Hyjal?

The massive forested peak of Mount Hyjal was the original refuge and sacred place to the Wild Gods, protected and watched over by Freya shortly after the ordering of Azeroth. The dark trolls, ancestors of the night elves used to live in the networks of deep caverns stretching under Hyjal.

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