What are signs of infection after D&C?

What are signs of infection after D&C?

But be sure to contact your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms after a D&C:

  • Heavy or prolonged bleeding or blood clots.
  • Fever.
  • Pain.
  • Abdominal tenderness.
  • Foul-smelling discharge from the vagina.

What kind of discharge is normal after D&C?

It is normal to have a brown discharge during the healing process for the first few weeks after surgery. If you experience severe pain, fever greater than 100.5°, nausea and vomiting, a greenish vaginal discharge with odor, or heavy bleeding (soaking a pad every hour), contact the office.

Is it normal to have yellow discharge after miscarriage?

Some of the most common and normal physical changes you might experience immediately after miscarrying include: Vaginal bleeding or spotting lasting up to a week. Brown or yellow cervical mucus.

Is it normal to have mucus discharge after D&C?

Vaginal discharge Within 24 hours of your operation your bleeding should settle to be like a menstrual period. You may experience a slight pink/brown discharge on your sanitary pad or liner for the next five to ten days. Do not use tampons or douche due to the risk of infection.

How long does it take for your cervix to heal after a D&C?

Generally, it may take 2-3 days for complete recovery. You can resume your daily routine within 1-2 days after the procedure. Although you may be instructed not to douche, use tampons, or engage in sexual activities for 2-3 days or a period recommended by the physician after the D&C.

Is it normal to have smelly discharge after miscarriage?

Bacterial infections can spread and become septic quickly, so if you have any of the following symptoms after a miscarriage, contact your doctor immediately or go to the emergency room: Chills. Fever over 100.4 degrees. Foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

How many weeks after D&C will I get my period?

Many women can expect their first period four to six weeks after a miscarriage. The exact timing can vary by several weeks, however, depending on when your hCG levels return to zero. Your body will still think it’s pregnant until your hCG levels are gone.

What is foul smelling discharge after D&C?

Infection — Infection from a D&C is rare. If you have a fever, pain that is getting worse instead of better, or foul-smelling vaginal discharge after a D&C, contact your doctor’s office.

Why is my cervical mucus yellow?

If the discharge has a very slight yellow hue, it may not indicate a problem. This is especially likely if the hue only coincides with a change in diet or dietary supplements. Discharge that is a darker shade of yellow, yellowish-green, or green usually signals a bacterial or sexually transmitted infection.

Is yellow vaginal discharge normal?

Light-yellow or pale-yellow discharge without odor and other accompanying symptoms, such as vaginal burning or itching, may be considered normal. Bright yellow discharge or thick yellow discharge — especially with an accompanying odor — is not considered normal. This usually indicates an infection.

How long does it take for uterine lining to rebuild?

The Endometrium This thickening of the uterine lining is called the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle. It can vary in length, generally lasting between six and 20 days.

Are you more fertile after D&C?

“Fertility returns as soon as the pregnancy hormone (hCG) is cleared from the bloodstream, and some people can be very surprised to find they got pregnant within two or three weeks of the D&C,” says Nasello. Some people worry about getting pregnant so quickly after the procedure, but she says this isn’t a concern.

When do you start to get yellow vaginal discharge after pregnancy?

Post Pregnancy Yellow Vaginal Discharge. If you find that you are using more than one sanitary towel in an hour and experience heavy bleeding with clots, then contact your doctor immediately. The yellow discharge you see after pregnancy usually occurs about 10 days after into the postpartum period.

When to see a doctor for yellow discharge?

Yellow discharge should definitely be checked by a health care provider, especially if it is accompanied by itching, swelling, or pain in or outside the vagina. If you have a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, or an STI when you give birth, the baby could get exposed to infection.

What does it mean when your discharge has no odor?

If your yellow discharge has no odor, this is a good indication that you probably don’t need to worry. Discharge with a smell hints to an infection of some sort, which means that if you have yellow discharge without odor, it may be yellow due to factors other than infection.

What does it mean when you have yellow discharge after sex?

If you notice these symptoms plus whitish-yellow discharge, you may have a yeast infection. Trichomoniasis — sometimes called “trich” — is a common and treatable sexually transmitted infection (STI). Lots of people affected with trichomoniasis do not know they have it because many cases are asymptomatic.

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