What is UKAS Quality Management?

What is UKAS Quality Management?

UKAS is the National Accreditation Body for the United Kingdom. We are appointed by government, to assess and accredit organisations that provide services including certification, testing, inspection and calibration. Find out more.

What is the difference between ISO and UKAS?

ISO will review standards and issue updates, and write new standards where there is a need. It sits right at the top. If ISO write the rules, it is UKAS who oversees them at the highest level in the UK. UKAS is the sole national accreditation body for the UK and is recognised by government.

Is QMS accredited?

ACCREDITATION AND CERTIFICATION All relevant activities of QMS operate to the ISO 17021 : 2015 standard and QMS is accredited by the ASCB, a UK Accreditation Body which is respected for its integrity and impartiality throughout the World.

What is a UKAS assessment?

What is UKAS? UKAS is formally recognised by the UK government, to assess and accredit against internationally agreed standards, organisations that provide conformity assessment activities including certification, testing, inspection and calibration services.

Why is UKAS important?

UKAS ensure that certification bodies meet the ISO 17021 standard for conformity assessment. Companies that achieve UKAS accreditation should be shouting about it. The internationally-recognised accreditation gives your business a competitive advantage, opening access to new markets within the EU and beyond.

What UKAS stands for?

The United Kingdom Accreditation Service
Delivering a world of confidence. The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) is the national accreditation body for the United Kingdom, appointed by government, to assess organisations that provide certification, testing, inspection and calibration services.

Is UKAS mandatory?

Accreditation policy UKAS is the sole NAB for undertaking mandatory and voluntary accreditation in the UK. BEIS will only recognise accreditation of UK based conformity assessment bodies that has been granted by UKAS.

Are QMS UKAS registered?

UKAS stands for the United Kingdom Accreditation Service. QMS are not accredited by UKAS but instead achieve their accreditation through ASCB. QMS is accredited and audited to ISO 17021 : 2015 by ASCB – a most respected, UK based, accreditation organisation.

How long does a UKAS certificate last?

UKAS accreditation is granted for a 4-year period. During this time, accreditation is continually monitored by UKAS and renewed in the fourth year following a full reassessment. The expiry date on the platform is the date by which the renewal of accreditation must be granted following a reassessment.

What are the benefits of UKAS accreditation?

Accreditation can;

  • Assure the efficiency and validity of processes.
  • Confirm accuracy of measurements.
  • Create assurance around innovation.
  • Demonstrate technical competence.
  • Prove impartiality.
  • Deliver confidence.
  • Gain commercial advantages.
  • Increase international acceptance for import & export.

What was before UKAS?

UKAS was set up in 1995 under a memorandum of understanding with the British government (between UKAS and the then Secretary of State for Trade and Industry). It resulted from the merger in 1995 of NAMAS (National Measurement Accreditation Service) and NACCB (National Accreditation Council for Certification Bodies).

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