Who owns citrus Tradewinds?

Who owns citrus Tradewinds?

Wisynco Group Limited
Wisynco Group Limited has acquired a 50 per cent stake in Trade Winds Citrus Limited, the maker of Tru Juice fruit beverages. The equity investment in the Bog Walk, St Catherine operation will be followed by “significant capital investment” as the partnership matures, the new partners announced Wednesday.

Who owns Tru Juice Jamaica?

Trade Winds Citrus Limited
Tru-Juice is the flagship brand of Trade Winds Citrus Limited Our Juices are made from the finest fruits and vegetables produced locally and blended to perfection to provide only the best product for you.

Who is the CEO for Tru Juice?

At age 40-something, Peter McConnell, managing director of Trade Winds Citrus Limited (TWCL), is still firmly rooted in the rural community of Bog Walk, St Catherine, his childhood home.

When was Tru Juice established?

In 2001, came the birth of Trade Winds Citrus with it the movement of the Tru-Juice Premium Quality and Freshhh Fruit Drinks, into mainstream Jamaica.

Why are trade winds named so?

trade wind, persistent wind that blows westward and toward the Equator from the subtropical high-pressure belts toward the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). The trade winds were named by the crews of sailing ships that depended on the winds during westward ocean crossings. …

Who discovered the trade winds?

Christopher Christopher Columbus
It was the Genoese seaman, explorer and adventurer Christopher Christopher Columbus (1451-1506), who discovered the trade winds. These winds carried his three modest-size sailing vessels all across the Atlantic at its widest, from the Canary Islands to the Bahamas, a distance of 5400 miles, in 36 days, in 1492.

Who is Peter McConnell in Jamaica?

Peter McConnell has been working in his family’s farming business since 1988, when he graduated from Texas A&M University after studying soil and crop science. As an adolescent, he worked closely with his previous generation of family members, who were pioneers and visionaries in the agriculture industry.

What sells wisynco?

Wisynco. Wisynco Group Limited is a leading Jamaican distributor and manufacturer. We import top brands of food, beverages, and paper products and produce our very own lines of high quality products including Bigga, WATA, CranWATA, and BOOM.

Where do trade winds originate?

The trade winds begin as warm, moist air from the equator rises in the atmosphere and cooler air closer to the poles sinks. So, if air is cycling from the equator to the poles, why don’t all winds blow north and south? That’s where Earth’s rotation changes things.

What is main characteristics of trade winds?

The main characteristics of the Trade winds are: Trade winds are warm winds and hence they pick up moisture and bring heavy rainfall on the eastern sides of the tropical islands. They are deflected to the right of their course in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.

Where is Fraser McConnell from?

Bog Walk, Jamaica
Fraser McConnell began his motorsport career by contesting a variety of motocross, karting and rallying competitions, twice earning the ‘Jamaican Driver of the Year’ award….Fraser McConnell.

Nationality JAM
Date of Birth 9 September, 1998
Birthplace Bog Walk, Jamaica
Car number 35
RX2e wins 0

Where is trade winds citrus located in Jamaica?

Trade Winds Citrus Limited (TWCL) is a privately owned, limited liability Jamaican company located in Bog Walk, St. Catherine. TWCL is a manufacturing and distribution company with Wisynco Group Limited as a partner and primary distributor.

Which is the flagship brand of trade winds citrus?

St. Catherine, Jamaica – A true visionary, Tru-Juice, the flagship brand of Trade Winds Citrus Limited has introduced its newest offering of locally grown pineapples. Inspired…

When did trade winds come out with Tru Juice?

However in 2001, came the birth of Trade Winds Citrus Limited and with it the creation, implementation and subsequent expansion of the Tru-Juice Premium Quality and Freshhh Fruit Drinks brands in addition to the long standing focus on the growth of healthy crops of the previously known UEL.

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