Who are my state senators in Alabama?

Who are my state senators in Alabama?

Richard Shelby (Republican Party)
Tommy Tuberville (Republican Party)

Who are the two senators from Alabama what parties do they represent?

Alabama’s current U.S. senators are Republicans Richard Shelby (since 1987) and Tommy Tuberville (since 2021).

How many state senators do Alabama have?

Alabama Senate

Alabama State Senate
Seats 35
Political groups Governing party Republican (27) Opposition Democratic (8)
Length of term 4 years
Authority Article IV, Alabama Constitution

What is Richard Shelby’s district?

Senator (R-AL) since 1987
Richard Shelby/Office

How much is Richard Shelby worth?

List of current members of the United States Congress by wealth

Rank Name Net worth ($ million)
29 Richard Shelby 19.1
30 John Yarmuth 17.1
31 Jim Cooper 16.3
32 Michael Bennet 15.7

What is a Class 2 senator?

Senators in Class II were elected to office in the November 2020 general election, unless they took their seat through appointment or special election. …

How many congressmen does Alabama have?

Alabama is currently divided into seven congressional districts, each represented by a member of the United States House of Representatives.

Is Senator Richard Shelby a Republican?

Republican Party
Richard Shelby/Parties

What district does Senator Shelby represent?

Was Richard Shelby once a Democrat?

Richard Craig Shelby (born May 6, 1934) is an American lawyer and politician serving as the senior United States Senator from Alabama. First elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986 as a Democrat who later defected to the Republican Party in 1994, he chaired the Senate Appropriations Committee, succeeding Thad Cochran.

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