Can you write blog on GitHub?

Can you write blog on GitHub?

This allows you to create templates, shared includes, and variables to avoid having to write and update full HTML pages. GitHub Pages is also really easy to set up as it’s just a special GitHub repo, and it’s blazingly fast since your content is extremely cacheable so is generally served from CDN.

How do I blog on GitHub?


  1. Generate a GitHub Pages site. Generate a GitHub Pages site with the automatic page generator.
  2. Customize your homepage. Open a pull request with changes to the homepage.
  3. Merge your pull request.
  4. Customize site details.
  5. Create a blog post.
  6. Add blog post metadata.
  7. Merge your first post.

How do I create a Jekyll and GitHub blog?

How to Install Jekyll on Windows

  1. Completing the Ruby+DevKit with MSYS2 Setup Wizard.
  2. Running ridk install to setup MSYS2 and the development toolchain.
  3. Install the Ruby gems jekyll and bundler.
  4. Confirm Jekyll has been installed successfully.
  5. Create a new blog using the jekyll new command.

How do I create a Jekyll blog?

Building a Blog site from Scratch using Jekyll

  1. Step 1 – Install Ruby.
  2. Step 2 – Install Jekyll.
  3. Step 3 – Create a new Jekyll site.
  4. Step 4 – Add blog posts.
  5. Step 5 – Applying a custom layout.
  6. Step 6 – Adding images to posts.
  7. Step 7 – Add navigation to your posts.
  8. Step 8 – Adding custom styling to your blog.

Is Hugo better than Jekyll?

Conclusion – they’re both great options. There are not a lot of things that Hugo can do but Jekyll cannot and vice versa. For some sites with thousands of pages, Hugo is a must because of its build speed. For others, Jekyll can be a must because of a few plugins with specific functionalities not found in Hugo.

How do I publish my website on GitHub?

Publish Your Website Using GitHub Pages

  1. STEP 1: Create Repository. Of course, the first step is to create the repository for the website you wish to publish.
  2. STEP 2: Push Your Code. The html file with name index.
  3. STEP 3: Go To Settings. Click on the settings tab.
  4. STEP 4: Publish GitHub Page.
  5. STEP 5: Go To Website.

How do I host a website on GitHub?

  1. Create a GitHub account. First thing’s first: get yourself a GitHub account!
  2. Download and install the GitHub Desktop app. This is the app that we’ll use to get our code up on GitHub.
  3. Create a new GitHub project.
  4. Copy your files to the new Repository folder.
  5. Publish your website.
  6. Share your website!

How do I create a website with GitHub?

8 Steps To Getting Your Site Live on Github Pages

  1. Step 1: Sign up for / Login to GitHub Account.
  2. Step 2: Understand The Difference Between User Sites and Project Sites.
  3. Step 3: Create a New Repository.
  4. Step 4: New Repository Page Explanation.
  5. Step 5: Have Your Site Folder Easy to Access.

How do I use Jekyll on GitHub?

  1. Quickstart.
  2. Get started. About GitHub Pages. Create a GitHub Pages site. Add theme to a Pages site.
  3. Set up site with Jekyll. GitHub Pages & Jekyll. Create site with Jekyll. Test site locally with Jekyll.
  4. Configure a custom domain. Custom domains in GitHub Pages. Manage a custom domain. Verify a custom domain.

How do I host Jekyll on GitHub?

Add the github pages gem

  1. In terminal, browse to your Jekyll project directory.
  2. Type bundle init .
  3. Type open gemfile .
  4. Run bundle install .
  5. Add the new jekyll files to git: git add –all .
  6. Commit the files: git commit -m “committing my jekyll theme” .
  7. Push the files up to your github repo: git push .

Is Jekyll still popular?

Jekyll. Jekyll is another extremely popular option, and it is built with Ruby. Ruby was an incredibly popular programming language most notably with the Ruby on Rails framework. Jekyll combines Markdown files with the very popular Liquid templating engine.

How do I deploy Gatsby site to GitHub?

On GitHub:

  1. Navigate to your site’s repository.
  2. Under the repository name, click Settings.
  3. In the GitHub Pages section, use the Source drop-down to select main (for publishing to the root subdomain) or gh-pages (for publishing to a path like /docs ) as your GitHub Pages publishing source.
  4. Click Save.

How can I create a blog on GitHub?

More details can be found on the Github pages. Install Jekyll into your local system. It is the static site generator and a tool to create your blog from plain text. Github pages also uses Jekyll to serve your blog. Installing Jekyll into your local will also help you to preview your blog before publishing it to the web.

What are the advantages of blogging on GitHub?

Not only it is completely free, it gives you ultimate control over your blog unlike other blog hosts. The advantages you get in Github over other blog engines are like: Unlimited storage space in Github and many more. But this setup requires you to know a couple of things before-hand, like Git, HTML/CSS/JS etc.

How to create a blog using GitHub Pages and Jekyll?

To do this, go to the Settings > GitHub Pages > Custom Domain and enter your domain name, for example, And then configure it in your domain name provider as mentioned in this document. I hope you learned well and will be able to create a blog using GitHub Pages and Jekyll.

How long does it take to create a GitHub page?

Congrats! You just built your first GitHub Pages site. View it at Usually the first time your GitHub Pages site is created it takes 5-10 minutes to go live, so while we wait for that to happen, let’s style your otherwise plain HTML site.

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