How do I filter multiple values in a macro in Excel?

How do I filter multiple values in a macro in Excel?

Use a “helper column” with a formula in column B and then filter on that – e.g. =ISNUMBER(A2) or =NOT(A2=”A”, A2=”B”, A2=”C”) then filter on TRUE.

How do I apply multiple filter criteria in Excel VBA?

If you want to filter a field with multiple criteria, you have to use Criteria1 and Criteria2 parameters, but also the Operator xlAnd.

How do I filter data in Excel using macros?

Step 1: Record or Write the Macro

  1. Clear the filters on your sheet or Table.
  2. Turn the macro recorder on (Developer Tab > Record Macro button)
  3. Give the macro a name.
  4. Choose to Store macro in: This Workbook.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Apply filters to one or more columns using the Filter Drop-down menus.

How do you filter out multiple values?

Select Filter the list, in-place option from the Action section; (2.) Then, select the data range that you want to filter in the List range, and specify the list of multiple values you want to filter based on in the Criteria range; (Note: The header name of the filter column and criteria list must be the same.) 3.

How do I filter multiple values in Excel?

Open the filter drop-down menu again. Use the Search box (keyboard shortcut: e) to search for the second item in your filter list. Click the “Add current selection to filter” checkbox. Click OK.

How do you apply multiple filters in Excel?

To apply multiple filters: Click the drop-down arrow for the column you want to filter. In this example, we will add a filter to column D to view information by date. The Filter menu will appear. Check or uncheck the boxes depending on the data you want to filter, then click OK.

How do you make a macro repeat itself?

To create a Repeat Macro, create a new macro and then select File – New Repeat Macro from the Analytics Edge ribbon, and the wizard will open. Select the worksheet and/or range of cells to use as a source of data, and click Finish. Note that the Repeat Macro function must be the first function in your macro.

How do you loop a macro until a blank cell?

Loop through rows until blank with VBA

  1. Press Alt + F11 keys to enable the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.
  2. Click Insert > Module, and paste below code to the blank script. VBA: Loop until blank. Sub Test1()
  3. Press F5 key to begin looping the column, then the cursor will stop at the first met blank cell.

How do you fix too many line continuations when recording a macro?

Doing this manually is easy using the filter option and unchecking the numbers I want left out, but recording it to a macro causes the error “Too many line continuations” after about 230 numbers. Obviously this is because the macro lists what numbers it leaves in the column, rather than those it removes.

Is there a way to filter Excel data in VBA?

A lot of Excel functionalities are also available to be used in VBA – and the Autofilter method is one such functionality. If you have a dataset and you want to filter it using a criterion, you can easily do it using the Filter option in the Data ribbon. And if you want a more advanced version of it, there is an advanced filter in Excel as well.

How to turn off autofilter in VBA Excel?

Turn Excel AutoFilter ON/OFF using VBA. When applying Autofilter to a range of cells, there may already be some filters in place. You can use the below code turn off any pre-applied auto filters: Sub TurnOFFAutoFilter() Worksheets(“Sheet1”).AutoFilterMode = False End Sub

Can You filter multiple columns at the same time in Excel?

With Autofilter, you can filter multiple columns at the same time. For example, if you want to filter all the records where the item is ‘Printer’ and the Sales Rep is ‘Mark’, you can use the below code:

Is there a way to copy a filter in Excel?

If you want to not only filter the records based on criteria but also copy the filtered rows, you can use the below macro. It copies the filtered rows, adds a new worksheet, and then pastes these copied rows into the new sheet.

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