What does the lateral corticospinal tract do?

What does the lateral corticospinal tract do?

The lateral corticospinal tract contains over 90% of the fibers present in the corticospinal tract and runs the length of the spinal cord. The primary responsibility of the lateral corticospinal tract is to control the voluntary movement of contralateral limbs.

What does Corticobulbar mean?

The corticobulbar (or corticonuclear) tract is a two-neuron white matter motor pathway connecting the motor cortex in the cerebral cortex to the medullary pyramids, which are part of the brainstem’s medulla oblongata (also called “bulbar”) region, and are primarily involved in carrying the motor function of the non- …

What is the function of the Rubrospinal tract?

Major afferents are from the cerebellar and cerebral cortices, and the rubrospinal tract projects to nuclei in the brain stem and cerebellum before reaching the spinal cord. The most important function of the rubrospinal tract is the control of muscle tone in flexor muscle groups.

What is the function of the lateral Funiculus?

The lateral funiculus transmits the contralateral corticospinal and spinothalamic tracts. A lateral cutting of the spinal cord results in the transection of both ipsilateral posterior column and lateral funiculus and this produces Brown-Séquard syndrome.

What is the pathway of the lateral corticospinal tract?

The lateral corticospinal tract is a descending motor pathway that begins in the cerebral cortex, decussates in the pyramids of the lower medulla (also known as the medulla oblongata or the cervicomedullary junction, which is the most posterior division of the brain) and proceeds down the contralateral side of the …

What is lateral horn?

The lateral horn of the spinal cord is the small lateral projection of grey matter located between the dorsal horn and ventral horn and contain the neuronal cell bodies of the sympathetic nervous system.

What is pyramidal and extrapyramidal?

The pyramidal tracts (corticospinal tract and corticobulbar tracts) may directly innervate motor neurons of the spinal cord or brainstem (anterior (ventral) horn cells or certain cranial nerve nuclei), whereas the extrapyramidal system centers on the modulation and regulation (indirect control) of anterior (ventral) …

What is rubrospinal tract?

The Rubrospinal tract is a descending pathway which originates in the Red Nucleus and descends to the spinal cord. Part of the extrapyramidal system.

What is lateral funiculus?

The lateral funiculus is the area of white matter located between the posterolateral and anterolateral sulci. From: Fundamental Neuroscience for Basic and Clinical Applications (Fifth Edition), 2018.

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