What is the main plot of Animal Farm?

What is the main plot of Animal Farm?

Animal Farm is a novel about a group of animals who take control of the farm they live on. However, trouble brews as the pigs, Napoleon and Snowball, fight for the hearts and minds of the other animals on the farm. Napoleon seizes power by force and ends up exploiting the animals just as Farmer Jones had done.

What are the major plot points in Animal Farm?

Old Major, the prize boar, calls a secret meeting of all the farm animals on Manor Farm. He states that a rebellion against their human master, Mr Jones, will one day come. A cow starts the rebellion by walking into the store-shed. The animals end up chasing Mr Jones off the farm.

What is the plot twist in Animal Farm?

The book’s final image expresses the animals’ realization that the pigs have become as cruel and oppressive as human farmers. The ending also makes the argument that political power is always the same, whoever has it and whatever ideology is used to justify it.

What are the five main themes in Animal Farm?


  • The Corruption of Socialist Ideals in the Soviet Union.
  • The Societal Tendency Toward Class Stratification.
  • The Danger of a Naïve Working Class.
  • The Abuse of Language as Instrumental to the Abuse of Power.
  • Corruption.
  • The Failure of Intellect.
  • The Exploitation of Animals by Humans.

What is the main conflict in Animal Farm?

The central conflict of Animal Farm arises when the animals’ desire for freedom and equality is corrupted by the consolidation of political power amongst the pigs.

Does Animal Farm have a happy ending?

In the book, they don’t and there is no happy ending, with Muriel the goat having died prior to the book’s ending. At the end of the movie, a new and kinder family moves into the farm who the surviving animals will work alongside to produce a better future. This never happens in the book.

What is the climax event in Animal Farm?

The climax of the novella occurs in Chapter 7, when Napoleon decides to sell the hens’ eggs. The hens finally recognize that the pigs are their antagonists, and they rebel. Their rebellion is brutally crushed and the hens are executed.

What are the main points of disagreement in Animal Farm?

The most intense point of disagreement between the two is Snowball’s plan to build a windmill. He says the windmill will produce electric power to warm stalls and run electrical tools that will make everyone’s life easier. Napoleon, though, argues that the farm should focus on more pressing needs like food production.

Does pig have a happy ending?

(An alert for animal lovers, and please note that what follows is a spoiler, so skip this part if you’re so inclined: The pignapping sequence is the most upsetting scene in the movie, and though it’s discreet and mercifully brief, the pig does not get the happy ending you might hope for.

How is the ending of Animal Farm ironic?

The situational irony in the piece is that the animals took over the farm so they could run it themselves. They didn’t like the way they were being treated by the humans, but in the end they end up exactly like them.

What is George Orwell’s message in the novel Animal Farm?

Orwell’s message is this: Malicious groups of people, like the pigs, will continue to use propaganda to usurp power, to exploit the vulnerable, and to control the masses, unless courageous individuals spread the truth and stand up for those who cannot fight for themselves.

What is George Orwell’s thematic purpose in writing Animal Farm?

Animal Farm is a didactic text – Orwell aims to teach the reader a number of lessons on: class. power, control and corruption.

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