Why do we rock socks for Down syndrome?

Why do we rock socks for Down syndrome?

In 2013, the theme of Wearing Odd Socks was initiated to raise awareness. Over time it has also been promoted as Lots of Socks. The idea was created because chromosomes are shaped “like socks” and people with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome.

Why do you wear odd socks for Down syndrome Day?

Each year, Down Syndrome International invites everyone across the world to wear odd socks to support World Down Syndrome Day. The date is the 21st day of the 3rd month to signify the uniqueness of the triplication of the 21st chromosome which causes Down Syndrome.

When is Down syndrome rock your socks day?

simple! On March 21st, World Down Syndrome Day, we celebrate and raise awareness by wearing our brightest, loudest socks.

Why are socks mismatched?

Another reason for wearing mismatched socks is to promote the celebration of differences. Some buddies wear the same set of mismatched socks to also point out that we are more alike than different. One last reason for the crazy socks is that they get attention.

What does rock your socks mean?

Down syndrome
You’ll definitely “rock your socks,” but this is more than a fashion statement. It’s about raising awareness of Down syndrome, a genetic disorder caused by abnormal cell division resulting in three copies of chromosome 21 instead of the normal two.

Why do we celebrate Down syndrome day?

World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), 21 March, is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. The date for WDSD being the 21st day of the 3rd month, was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome.

What do odd socks represent?

Odd Socks Day is the first day of anti-bullying week, where both adults and children are encouraged to wear odd socks to school or work to raise awareness of bullying. Although the Anti-Bullying Alliance, the charity who invented the day, does suggest a £1 donation from all those who take part, it’s not essential.

What are the colors for Down syndrome?

The colors for Down syndrome awareness are blue and yellow, so you can show your support by wearing these colors.

How did rock your socks start?

As soon as I walked into the school building, the kids were over the moon excited to show off their crazy, mismatched, brightly colored socks. Why crazy fun socks you ask? Down Syndrome International created this idea to highlight the idea that everyone has their own different and colorful abilities.

Do chromosomes look like socks?

This is a picture of chromosomes which some say look a little bit like pairs of socks. Sometimes people have an extra ‘sock’ or chromosome and a person with Down syndrome has an extra copy of chromosome 21 as you can see in the picture. That’s ok – it just means that some things a little harder for them.

Where did the term knock your socks off come from?

The phrase “knock or blow someone’s socks off” was initially put on record in the American South (the southern United States) in the 1940s, where this phrase referred as defeating someone in the fight.

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