What is the difference between Purusha and Prakriti?

What is the difference between Purusha and Prakriti?

Prakruti (Prakriti) can be defined or understood as anything that’s energy, both as pure energy and tangible material (which is also energy), in short, it’s the nature and creation around us. Purusha is the singular conscience out of which every other conscience (within a jiva) is but an extension to that supreme conscience.

Who is Purusha and what does he represent?

Purusha is the Supreme Cosmic Being, who represents the one, indivisible, infinite, independent cosmic reality. He is the source and support of all. There is nothing beyond him, other than him or above him, except perhaps his own hidden and unknown aspects, about which even gods have no clue.

What is the difference between Sankhya and Purusha?

Sankhya shows an evident dualism between purusha and prakriti and further maintains the plurality of the purushas. It is silent on god. It is a pluralistic spiritualism and an aesthetic realism and rigid dualism. Sankhya is realistic as it believes that both the matter and spirit are equal and real.

Why is Mula Prakriti dependent on Purusha?

In her primal aspect (mula prakriti), she is independent, but in her manifested aspect she is dependent upon Purusha, because without him she cannot manifest things or unleash her power. In her subtle aspect, she is pure energy (Shakti), and in her gross aspects she is matter (rayi).

Who is responsible for the creation of Prakriti?

Prakriti literally means “creatrix,” the female creative energy. Unlike in the Western religions, purusha did not create prakriti; in fact, if given a choice, purusha would prefer to have never met prakriti at all. But purusha is responsible for prakriti becoming animated, alive.

Which is the Supreme conscience Prakruti or Purusha?

Since Prakruti is our source and adobe She is referred as feminine, and not to be misinterpreted as a biological female. Purusha as said earlier is the supreme conscience (Para:matma) and our atma is noting but an extension to it.

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